
Discussions about Facebook Twitter

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There are so many social media sites in existence today which most people are all making use of. Has there been any reason as to why you would ever consider quitting a particular social media sites recently? What coul...

  • Martinsx1
    Martinsx1 Level 1
  • 48 6 years ago

    As we all know, marketing has gone from the angle of being done offline to being featured heavily on the internet. This has meant that a whole lot of people now market their goods and services on online platforms. Fa...

  • Barida
    Barida Level 1
  • 46 6 years ago

    Social Media sites, of all kids, are always trying to advance and to out-do one another. What new trends do you see happening, or what new trends do you predict to happen, in social media soon which are innovative and ex...

  • JoeMilford
    JoeMilford Level 1
  • 49 7 years ago

    Social media is an ever changing world, and businesses are still developing new ways to market themselves on the various platforms available. You don't have to share your secrets to success on marketing necessarily, but ...

    30 8 years ago

    Businesses are increasing their social media presence in order to increase their exposure to customers. But which social networks are actually better for advertising? If you take the advertisements on Facebook then you c...

  • DarthHazard
    DarthHazard Level 1
  • 57 8 years ago

    There are quite a lot of sites that offer social media page exchanges. This is where you can follow/like other people's social network accounts or posts and you earn a few points. You can then use these points to get oth...

  • DarthHazard
    DarthHazard Level 1
  • 23 8 years ago

    Since the last post I made on Some Mad Crazy Internet Facts and Stats about the Internet got a good response, I thought I'd do a few more of these as they're very read moreish and fun to learn as well! And especially w...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 19 8 years ago

    When it comes to online marketing, we all need to post to social media in order to have the full package. Sure you can set up a great campaign using just content and backlinks, but isn't that all you need? Well not in ...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 10 8 years ago

    I have been searching some services about Facebook post likes, Facebook Fanspage likes, Twitter Retweet, etc. It seems that there is no more ads or services about it. Is it forbidden in Seoclerks now? As far as I know...

  • ridwanyoung
    ridwanyoung Level 1
  • 6 8 years ago

    Hashtags were something that became more popular when Twitter opened, I remember people using them for the most craziest of reasons. Since Twitter has grown more popular now people tend to use hastags to gain more exposu...

  • Shortie861
    Shortie861 Level 1
  • 6 8 years ago

    I just want to find out who loves what on the social media side of things. Facebook or Twitter , I like them both but I do think Facebook is much better as it as more features like pages , Groups would say games lol But ...

  • keen2write
    keen2write Level 1
  • 8 8 years ago

    Hello SEOclerks Nation Member, I Am Noticed Long Time Ago,SEOclerks Slowly Slowly Banned Social Media Services. Anyone Know SEOclerks Why Do This ??

  • silentbang
    silentbang Level X3
  • 14 8 years ago

    Hello! Is there anyone who can give me advise on how to boost my professional credibility online, both creating traffic and drowning attention to my website, and promoting my social networks account? What are the key...

  • 3rdwitch
    3rdwitch Level 1
  • 8 8 years ago

    Good day my friends I was hoping you could tell me which social services eg. Facebook Likes is most needed in the community and which will make me the most money. I was also hoping someone could maby direct me to a ch...

  • Smidy
    Smidy Level 1
  • 4 9 years ago

    i spend a lot of time on the apps in my phone, I'm as guilty as anybody when it comes to playing on my phone all day. I feel like I have a sort of hate and love type of thing when it comes to social networks though . Som...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 10 9 years ago

    When it comes to social networks like face book insta gram Twitter there are always some sort of privacy settings or options you can choose from but as free lancers we like to be seen and heard and that involves stranger...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 7 9 years ago

    I just wrote a post on the new ig update which had me pretty interested and then I got to thinking to my self maybe Instagram is on to something. So I thought about it like this, if Instagram can copy a certain idea fro...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 7 9 years ago

    In this free lance life, there is a thin balance some times between work and play and you know most of us work from home. Or, at least, I do. And, as far as social media goes, I have ran in to a couple people that man...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 9 9 years ago

    So I happen to be browsing around on the web and I came a cross some thing that really caught my attention. I was reading how social media has impacted society and the article I was reading went on to mention how s...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 13 9 years ago

    Alright now i know i am not the only one on SEO clerks with a social media account no matter if it is face book, Instagram, twitter what ever. Now i am not going to lie but some times i find myself distracted by social...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 13 9 years ago

    Freelancing on the web is probably the simplest thing to do, once you find what you're good at. At least for those of us that take advantage of the social media promotion in freelance. But, could running your freel...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 12 9 years ago

    I would like to know, what if social media did not exist how would a simple business owner you know be able to market my product or get the word around in the absence of the free advertising on social media?

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 12 9 years ago

    As you all know social media such as twitter instagram and facebook have really taken over the web over recent years and now social media is one of the most mainstream marketing outlets all over the world, But when the ...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 16 9 years ago

    We all have seen memes before no doubt, you know memes those little pictures or post trolling everything in the spotlight in mainstream social media. well i been thinking too myself hey the numbers on shares are really u...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 9 9 years ago

    What are your go-to social networks? If you feel like it, here are a few more optional related questions about each. How often do you use each? Which are your favorites, and why? Which platforms do you use for ...

  • bobjoehax3
    bobjoehax3 Level 1
  • 19 9 years ago

    Anyone have the inside scoop, an educated guess or an uneducated guess about what the next GIANT in social media will be? I’m talking BIG. Think Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Household name big. Like, “my dad...

  • bobjoehax3
    bobjoehax3 Level 1
  • 22 9 years ago

    As i am involved in social media marketing a lot, i usually research movements on major social network sites to be in current trends, so today i just found interesting comparison and chart which letting us know where it ...

  • anwebservices
    anwebservices Level X5
  • 15 9 years ago

    Has it any classification? If so, who classified of it? What is their type? They are Bangladeshi or foreigners ? if so where they live in? if they are foreigners in which place in Bangladesh they live in and which profes...

  • johnamedy
    johnamedy Level 1
  • 1 11 years ago

    Actually I did not know that because of a few reason infraction is left. I thought that infraction is a punishment which is given for a big case But in seo clerk website, I say that for a few cause this big punishment is...

  • johnamedy
    johnamedy Level 1
  • 3 11 years ago

    Is infraction any long period punishment? Is it not possible to reduce the punishment time? There are many sectors where many places to amend any person himself? Is infraction a great or serious punishment? From where ha...

  • johnamedy
    johnamedy Level 1
  • 2 11 years ago

    When I make an account in seo clerk website, there are written in some services that they will give one thousand likes only for one dollar. How is it possible to give it? Are they fake or real ? by them any harm is done ...

  • johnamedy
    johnamedy Level 1
  • 2 11 years ago

    What benefits can we get after ascending on this level? Can we get any honor ascending on this level or just it is a showing thing? Do the buyers leave their orders with trust ? In seo clerk, there has been written that ...

  • johnamedy
    johnamedy Level 1
  • 3 11 years ago

    How is it possible to ascend from level one to level two? After ascending level two will we hope any good thing? Is every body can lift here? What experiences need to ascend level two? Do the buyers give order seeing lev...

  • johnamedy
    johnamedy Level 1
  • 3 11 years ago

    Has it a special value? If has. Every one can be level one. When I was in level one, I did not get any order from market place. When any seller was in level one, the buyers can’t see or they have no any trust on them? ...

  • johnamedy
    johnamedy Level 1
  • 3 11 years ago

    What is the meanng of looking and why is it used in geese? There are many words in dictionary about this word but why the word of looking is used in geese? Is looking a very important word or it used only for special wor...

  • johnamedy
    johnamedy Level 1
  • 0 11 years ago

    What is subscriber? Is subscriber used in just you tube video or it is used in an other place? What will we get advantages from here? Why has it demand? Who demands it? Is it used in whole year or it is used just in a sp...

  • johnamedy
    johnamedy Level 1
  • 1 11 years ago

    What is popup? Why it is used? Actually I did not see it before So I do not know about it. Is used just in internet or it is used in other sector? Is it used in our every day life or just in a limitation? When is it born...

  • johnamedy
    johnamedy Level 1
  • 0 11 years ago

    Is it a system only or it has a secret meaning? I know about software that it is a great elements, by what computer and mobile are operated. Actually the world is failure without software and By it the whole electrical t...

  • johnamedy
    johnamedy Level 1
  • 1 11 years ago

    What is sound cloud? Why it has come in seoclerk? I like to know what is it’s secret mysterious? Actually I know the sound cloud, it is a word which means rain what drops from the sky. But I think, it is not a real mea...

  • johnamedy
    johnamedy Level 1
  • 1 11 years ago

    What is vkontacte? Actually I don’t know the real meaning of it. I am a new user in seoclerk. I could’t hear the name of twitter? After joining in seoclerk I heard it’s name. so I am unable to persuade it’s meani...

  • johnamedy
    johnamedy Level 1
  • 1 11 years ago