
Between Facebook marketing and Twitter marketing, which one is better?

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Between Facebook marketing and Twitter marketing, which one is better?

As we all know, marketing has gone from the angle of being done offline to being featured heavily on the internet. This has meant that a whole lot of people now market their goods and services on online platforms.

Facebook and Twitter remains one of the cheapest means we can market online, so I would like to know the one that will generate more sales when used.


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Choosing the right channel for your company when it comes to Facebook vs Twitter isn’t just about finding the gud platform. Engagement is the key to success on social media. when it comes to social media advertising, both Twitter and Facebook make it easy to establish and track campaigns for your product.

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I believe that this would depend on how you acquire your followers on either Twitter or Facebook. If your followers are a bunch of random individuals who don't even know what you are selling, odds are you won't sell much or anything at all to either group.

The best way to ensure that marketing on social media will be effective is by building your audience on social media organically. Don't mind the numbers. Even if you have only a hundred followers on twitter and facebook and most are actually interested in what you sell, you are better off than someone with 5,000 followers who aren't interested in what you are selling.

So IMO, I don't think either FB or Twitter is better than the other for an online marketer. Both can drive sales but only if the people who'll be seeing your posts on either platform are people who opted to be your followers because they want to read what you post on your site and can for that reason buy something you sell if you convince them that it will solve some problem they might have.

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This is what marketers on these two platforms should know. Having huge followers and they're mostly bots wouldn't bring any converions. Having human followers no matter the small number will do better than huge numbers that are mere bots. Facebook is still a good platform.

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True. I don't think that the other one is better than the other one. What is important is you engage with your audience. In social media, a lot of advertisements pop up every day. The challenge would be how to make them stay and be a loyal customer to you. So, engaging with them and listening to the customers should b a priority.

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Facebook ads are more clicked than twitter ads. The twitter ads are only used on their own website. And the thing is that twitter is not much used. 50% of the internet users make use of the facebook. That being said, marketing using both can be beneficial. But twitter seems to be taking more time for many. I have seen youtube, facebook and pinterest marketing to work out. It depends on how things are a bit different there.

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I agree with you people clicked on more Facebook ads more it something I have observed maybe as you stated that it because people are more on Facebook than any other platforms or social media.

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Indeed and most of the people free their adblocker for facebook. Which makes facebook reading more peoples data. And they are getting better at how to handle the response of the people. And so I think compared to other sites the facebook is more powerful.

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I have to go with Facebook.
Not that it's stand alone by far more popular, but it's also superior it terms of numerous features. Almost any starting company as the number one priority, begins to develop their Facebook social media page, rather than anything else.

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Facebook hands-down. Aside from the fact that they have significantly more users, it's ad campaigns are powerful. Having the ability to select and target your audience based on different factors makes a considerable difference in advertising.

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I agree. Facebook is also a user friendly so most those who are into online business they choose this social media, maybe because it has a bigger platform compared to other social media.

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I have to agree with you on this. There's even groups or pages that one can follow and join to help boost their sales. Facebook marketing has become a thing now and FB is one of the social media sites that has a lot of users.

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Oh yes, I forgot about groups and pages. They are incredibly essential for your business in interacting with your customers too.

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There's buy and sell groups/pages on Facebook now. I think every site already have their own online markets. Even Instagram is full of online shops now when before it was only a photo sharing app.

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I'm not well aware that you can also buy and sell directly on Instagram. Is it for free? Doesn't Instagram get a pay cut per sale?

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I'm not sure how it works on the seller's end. But since Instagram is a photo sharing platform, the sellers post a picture of their products/items and they include the price and description on each of them. Sometimes they have an order form link posted on their page or on the description so you can order from there. Or sometimes you can just message the seller directly. But I don't think Instagram gets a pay cut per sale. I'll have to ask my friend to confirm this.

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Facebook have always known the campaigns to use to target the needed audiences. I don't really see a good ads compaign on Twitter and I doubt it really used to have a good engagement like Facebook ads.

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I agree compared to adwords and twitter ads. You can find facebook ads result more favorable. As they tend to target lot more effective in that case. And some people can easily make use of the twitter ads but using facebook ads requires some tweaking.

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I agree. And the good thing is Facebook also has what is called Facebook Insights. It gives you a lot of information and data about demographics of your target audience. It's a pretty cool and helpful feature.

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Facebook is a better platform for promotion or advertisement than Twitter. I noticed that anyone that wants to be on a social media as a newbie starts with Facebook. So there's even more people on Facebook than any other social media and this point to one thing marketing will be more successful with this platform.

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Facebook and Twitter has always been the biggest social media sites and the biggest platforms for online marketing and advertising their business. Since Facebook has the largest number of users, it is given that it has the bigguest potential when it comes to online marketing. However, it is much better if you use them both.

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Yes, I agree with you. Facebook and Twitter are two biggest social media platform that helps company or product for promotion. Product/services will easily be recognize due to the large number of users. It has a wider scope of information. Using social media platform is the easiest and cheapest way to generate traffic.

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Facebook and Twitter serve different kinds of audiences. It has its advantages and disadvantages. It is better to use both of them in marketing your business.

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Exactly! If you have the possibility to make use of the two social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, it would be better for your business because there are different users to both platforms and they can all be harnessed.

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Oh, that's true. Not all users are on the same platform. It's common to see Facebook users who don't have a twitter account. They just don't find it necessary to have one. So make sure you reach out to all available platforms.

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Yeah. When you think about it, they're really different. Twitter is for more of a public sharing of ideas and content. Facebook has more of a conversation and friendly connection vibe. It's probably why many prefer it compared to Twitter.

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I really like them both honestly but if I would need to choose I would prefer the Facebook because of being more popular and convenient to use as it doesn't requires much data. Besides Facebook is free now to use which is becoming more attractive to users even though that sometimes it is having some issues as it was been hacked several times before.

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What matters most is the number of people or audience that you have in any of the social media site. If you have more people on Facebook, make use of Facebook, if you have more on Twitter, make use of it.

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You're right. I noticed that it's either Facebook or Twitter that has a lot of Followers. Facebook just feels more accessible when it comes to contacting people. Especially, their chat box feature.

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Me too. The popularity of Facebook came from its initial use as a means of meeting new people. We can become friends with just about anyone there. But then people realized its potential for earning money online.

Hence, the sudden growth of many Facebook online transactions.

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Well, in my opinion when it comes to using any social media sites for marketing, what's more important is to make use of the platform that works well for you and your business suits well.

If it's Facebook that works well for you, make use of it and if it's Twitter that works for you, make use of it.

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That's true. Very well put. I guess we can use anything that will enhance our business performance. Be it Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. They're all effective to some degree.

Though, I find Facebook to be the best of the three when it comes to marketing.

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I believe base on my experience that Facebook really works for me since I've been using it for a longer period of time already and so far I didn't experience any problems with it. As long as I am comfortable with it I would probably used it especially now that I am generating some income through the used of Facebook for inviting more prospect customers in my business.

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I commend you for your success. Despite its ease of use, you still need to put in the time and effort in order to achieve something. Facebook is simply an avenue that connects you to possible clients. It's up to you on how you'll go from there.

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Between facebook marketing and twitter marketing, which one is better: I guess the facebook ismore advantage than a twitter in terms of traffic. Many social media users use facebook than a twitter and that is one of the fact. But it doesn't mean that if you use a facebook in marketing you will surelly be a successful it is ofcourse because of your good plan and marketing strategy.

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You're right. Facebook is much more reliable when it comes to marketing. It's because of its reach to a wider audience and more possible engagement. You get better traffic since there are more users staying online there.

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I have never really cared much for twitter. I use it from time to time, but just feel that it does not lend much to me.

However, Facebook, I feel more comfortable with. I think that there are more users on there, and think for me that if I had to pick between the two, Facebook would be a lot more beneficial to me.

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That's true. It's like Twitter has become this thing we no longer recognize. I remember back then how it was a place for positive discussions and idle chat. Now it's being used for too much politics and controversial topics. That's why I've come to use it less.

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Obviously, Facebook have the greater potential than Twitter in marketing your business. However, it is much better if you use both of these platforms. They will give you wider variety of audience.

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Facebook is the way to go, Facebook is the biggest social network.
I've personally used both to market my music and Facebook gave me success when it comes to paid promotions and since I've got quite a big audience on Twitter even before I started making music it was easier for me to promote my music there without resorting to paid promotions.
Facebook also posts your ad at the same time on Instagram for no additional fee which is a win for me.

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I think you should work on both because they are effective on their own way. If I were to choose one, I would go with Facebook because it is easier to use and navigate compared to Twitter which will assure you that your customers will range from the very youngest to oldest. Then you should work on how to attract them and be interested on what you are selling.

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If you have the money to spend for the marketing and you cannot do it yourself then my suggestion is Facebook Ads because it is very effective in terms of conversion. The readers have the tendency to read and later click on the advertisement simply because it was posted like a legit post by a friend. Much more with the note that the ad was liked by some of your friends that will allay your doubts.

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Both Twitter and Facebook deliver information and spread brand awareness in unique ways. While there may be some user crossover, each platform serves brands differently, which is why most companies prefer to use a combination of both channels in their social media marketing campaigns.

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