
Why SEOclerks Banned Social Media Services ???

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Why SEOclerks Banned Social Media Services ???

Hello SEOclerks Nation Member,
I Am Noticed Long Time Ago,SEOclerks Slowly Slowly Banned Social Media Services.
Anyone Know SEOclerks Why Do This ??


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Hello silentbang,
I answered this question in another topic recently.

I'll share the entire reply in this thread:
Facebook is contacting many Marketplaces with a demand for removal of these fake likes and fake followers services. SEOClerks do not endorse or allow these kind of Facebook or Instagram services, and you can see within the Responsible Listing Guidelines more about the Prohibited Content.

You can find the topic here for additional replies.

So that's basically the reason for social media services to be deleted and not longer available at SEOClerks. And even if there's still social media sellers active at the time I'm writing this, these services will be removed shortly.

Best Regards,

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Hellow ""MR. silentbang""

Facebook is contacting many Marketplaces with a demand for removal of these fake likes and fake followers services. SEOClerks do not endorse or allow these kind of Facebook or Instagram services.
Facebook, Instagram, pinterest and Other services Banned.

Other Social Media services Running Marketplace. YOUTUBE / TWITTER / SOUNDCLOUD

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Like Mike has said, not all social media services have been banned. It is not all social media websites and it is not all types of services. Genuine, quality services are still allowed. I'm sure we can all agree that buying fake social likes and followers is not exactly an ethical type of social media promotional service.

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Thank You @Cristian For Your Great Replied.

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Thanks All For Replayed
Twitter Services Are Not Allow Now ???

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I have not heard about Twitter being banned but i know for sure Facebook, Instagram, Reverbnation, and a few others are toast. This is mainly due to sellers using the logos of these social media websites for the services that they offer. My advice for you is to find services that you can do that have nothing to do with likes, followers, Etc. Site ranking is a really good way to offer marketing without worrying about any of these companies coming down on you. Please do not take this personally as its just business and has nothing to do with anyone seller personally. If you try and continue to sell these services without anyone knowing you will be caught and removed from the site if you are consistently breaking the rules.

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yes yes my bro.. @jkeyz2
but my twitter services also deleted so i am worried Why SEOclerks Banned Social Media Services ???
i am not breaking the rules. so why deleted ??

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Most of my Sponsored Tweet servives are deleted as well, they were active for a long time. Why this change? I asked the support desk, I wonder what the answer will be.

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The answer is simple, SC doesn't want to get into big trouble with billion dollars companies likes Facebook or Twitter. A lot of sellers had abused what SC had to offer and now SC is getting into direct legal trouble with a lot of these social networks.

A lot of sellers spammed social networks with affiliate links and with their own direct service links. We need to keep everything clean if we want to earn from SC in the future.

Anyways, maybe some day SC will reintroduce all this social services that are currently banned. Cheers.

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Well, all my services are back, it was an error on seoclerks side. My services don't cause spam.

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I think there seems to be a lot of manipulation of the social media service. And it can be possible to fake followers.And it can result in manipulation of the social media pages. And that means we have to understand that social media services can't be genuine. So it's reasonable that they do get banned. Even the youtube views can be faked.

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Hey Silent, when are you coming back? I have many drops not completed by you Why SEOclerks Banned Social Media Services ???

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I think the banning of social media services was due to the numerous complaints lodged by buyers against sellers of fake likes and followers. Add to that the crackdown of Facebook on the numbers created by bots for the fake likes and followers that this site may have been affected. I had read in one discussion that Facebook had disallowed the posting of this site’s link and address.

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