
Have you ever considered quitting any particular social media?

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Have you ever considered quitting any particular social media?

There are so many social media sites in existence today which most people are all making use of. Has there been any reason as to why you would ever consider quitting a particular social media sites recently?

What could be your reason for making this decision if you have ever thought about it? 


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I have already considered quitting my social media account before for the sole reason that I want to try to live without any gadgets or social media accounts. I just want to pretend that I was living in the 90's era and to spend more time with my family and friends. Actually I have tried to rest my social media account for about a week or two.

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I use mostly Pinterest and for the past few week it is very frustrating because I'm losing followers and I don't know why. I don't now whether they have changed their algorithm which they usually do. I have also lost views and this matter because I use this to drive traffic to my blog. I'm rethinking Pinterest because it is really frustrating. I may move to Instagram for my business or Facebook.

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Yes. I quit using Twitter and Instagram but not Facebook, I only use facebook just to see if someone message me on my messenger or if I have to upload some images but I do it only for sometimes as I am not addicted with facebook. If I am little bit upset, I just scroll my news feed to look for memes just to make myself relief from stress.

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The Facebook messenger is an essential tool for anyone that is based on getting a lot of people message them there. I have shifted focus to Whatsapp and it has been helpful to me.

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Yeah. I find Facebook messenger helpful as some of transactions you have with someone is there so it's really beneficial to me. I just heard the what's app but I never tried it before.

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The Facebook messenger is an essential tool for anyone that is based on getting a lot of people message them there. I have shifted focus to Whatsapp and it has been helpful to me.

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It's long since I logged onto my Twitter account.That's two years ago.I quit Instagram altogether.However,I'm active reading comments on Facebook. I use whatssap a lot.Actually social media steals a freelancer's precious time.

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I don't ever QUIT social media. What happens is the social community where I was an active member either deleted my account or the site died! Me? I never leave. I may become inactive... but My account stays there unless the site owner deletes it.

Example: I was OK with Google Plus. But Google is not OK with Google Plus. So they're pulling the plug. I'm not going to delete my account voluntarily. When they shut down, everything will disappear. For right now I'm leaving everything there because my content is till online and the links still work. I'm going to get as much as I can from that social network until it no longer exists.

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This is how I feel as well. I do become inactive at times because life sometimes throw so many things at me at once that I have no choice but to set social media aside for awhile. Have I thought about quitting? Yes but I never really done it because I still do have family and friends that I want to be in contact with.

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I do not think there is a need to delete your social media accounts. Having an account on a lot of social sites is actually beneficial if you are a content creator or digital marketer. I might not be active on too many sites, however, I do not delete accounts. However, I once deleted my Reddit account. A certain guy copied my content and posted on the site. I told him to remove the content because he republished without my consent even though my name appeared on the byline. he was so abusive that I wanted to forget everything by closing the account.

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As my example, I have an account on RedGage. I joined because people say you could earn money for your social shares and blog posts. Yeah right. Right now my profile page shows that I've earned $16. That's for people viewing posts. I have had the account for ... forever! I forget what the cash out is. I think it's $30. I'll get paid I suppose. One of these days. But I won't close the account because … one time I thought that I had lost my content. It turns out I had shared it via RedGage and accidentally made had backup copy. I decided right then that even if I never got paid I was going to keep my RedGage account. The value-add was in finding my content which actually appeared in the Google search results. Yes! What a relief!

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The same sentiments here. I just feel like I have created my accounts for like 8 years ago and deleting them would also be deleting like half of your brain. The pictures, the information, your feelings, and the memories, everything would be out to waste.

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I did not consider quitting any particular social media. It's just that I use Facebook regularly and rarely visited my account on other social media. Although I'm not really active on other social media, quitting on them wasn't in my mind because I may use them someday in my online business.

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I have had thoughts about quitting Facebook and it is still something that I have thoughts about. I think that I have devoted time to it so much without getting the returns from it. So, that is the reason that I want to quit.

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I think you should try deactivating it for awhile, maybe a month or two just to see if you can live without it, if you can't well there are other things you can do to limit your Facebook usage. I deleted mine and the hard part is most of my friends can contact me anymore.

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I think that I have never thought of doing that way because I am really enjoying social media sites especially whenever I feel bored or I want to stay updated with the current trends in the market today. It was been a great pleasure for me to be with some social media sites after doing along hours pf work because I feel relaxed and entertained for a while.

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Yes, I once considered quitting one of my social media account before. I think we all come to that situation where we had enough especially if the community is going toxic already and not healthy anymore. But I always also consider the fact that we need it to become aware to our society.

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That's actually the most common thing on social media nowadays, the toxicity of people. You can't even help but to become toxic if your feed is full of negative vibes. It's like a virus that's spreading unknowingly.

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As a matter of fact I did, I left Twitter and VK. I remained only with Facebook. I feel heavily overwhelmed and exhausted to maintain all these social media pages, it's very time consuming. Apart from that I also have a YouTube channel to manage. I didn't even get my hands on Instagram and Tumblr.

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It's not quitting but I don't frequently used Facebook. Since, I am fed up with the whole drama series. I don't like to see one multiple photos of a person with one angle but in different position. Sometimes, a shot taken after eating some fruits. Sharing unnecessary stories in one's life routine is something annoying. I have nothing against them but I just don't enjoy it.

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I have considered quitting facebook and as a matter of fact I haven't used facebook in years. The only reason I still have one is because I am still using messenger lite. Most, if not all of my friends and acquaintances use facebook and the easiest to reach them would be through fb so I have no choice but to continue having an account though it is inactive.

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I have never tried quitting on some social media sites because I am not experiencing some problems with it, maybe if I would see some reasons or if I am not anymore enjoying it then I might consider quitting on it in the future. But for now I am thinking of using it more as often as I can especially now that I am taking a break in my freelancing activities.

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Yes,I have considered quitting social media because it is a source constant interruption when I'm working on my writing jobs.Facebook, Twitter and whatsaap messages have a way of popping up and interrupting the flow of thought.

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Oh, the interruption that social media causes is really big. But, I never get to the point of quitting it. My social media accounts are important to me

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One thing you do about that is to only use social media on your phone. Don't log in any social media sites on your work pc or laptop and silent your phone except for phone calls so that you can still be reached in case of emergency. Constant temptations to procrastinate while working is hard to ignore but hopefully this helps.

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I am not much of a social media lover. I have gone a whole year without posting anything on Facebook. Seeing people's entire lives on Facebook can be very annoying and the endless streams of pictures! My twitter account is all but non-existent as is my instagram account. The only social media I use on a daily is whatsapp.

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I don't get it why people think uploading their private life to total strangers is cool. Facebook is even manageable when it comes to showoff it more appalling on Instagram. People just post every and all things.

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I am not on a lot of social media sites. I am only on a handful of sites, still I am unable to remain active on some of these sires. For example, I have instagram account which is dormant, I am also in LinkedIn, and I do not check LinkedIn even once in a month. I have Pinterest accounts, which I have not checked since months. I am not quitting any social sites even though I am not active.

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I actually haven't. It's just my only means of communication and getting news from my friends and relatives abroad and my favorite international celebrities. I don't do other Messenger apps, that's why my social media accounts are important.

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I'm thinking of quitting Instagram platform,there are lots of anomalies going on there. People are just showing very fake life there and can make others that don't have self esteem to be depressed. Will rather stick with Facebook.

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I've on more than one occasion thought about leaving Facebook forever and I've actually deleted accounts to ensure that toxic people I was trying to cut out of my life didn't follow me around.

Thing though is many times I've been forced to create a new account on Facebook because some sites won't permit you to sign up unless you have an FB account. Having learned how useful social media sites can be for marketing, I won't be deleting any of my social media accounts in future.

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I have considered quitting facebook because of some unsavory people. I also don't like that people can see what I am doing if I post on facebook. I am a private person and I don't like people being privy about my life. My greatest motivation in quitting facebook before was my "friends".

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I quit social media earlier this year. I quit Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. LinkedIn was pointless and Facebook has kind of jumped the shark and I was sick of getting messages about what people did with their dogs this morning.

From a decluttering my life point of view, it was a great thing to do. It freed up time and space.

But I have some new projects under way and they need cross promotion so I think in early 2019 I am going to have to wade back in. Unfortunately.

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It seems like I am enjoying more using some social media sites because it gives me a lot of benefits and convenience. I am learning new ideas and things because of the use of social media sites and serve us my entertainment during those times that I feel bored and need something to make me feel relax and comfortable for some time. I really don't see any reason up to this moment to leave those social media sites that gives me an instant happiness.

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I only mostly Facebook and Facebook owned platforms like Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp because of its user base which totals estimated in the 3 Billion mark. I also use YouTube and I'm considering using Tumblr, QZone and Vkontakte by January.

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I'm seriously contemplating of dropping YouTube for Tumblr and QZone, which are both video sharing sites. YouTube has become a pain nowadays. A lot of content are censored.

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I wanted to quit Facebook when I discovered that they were listening to my conversation with a friend. We were talking about TV series called "Westworld," made by HBO and I mentioned Anthony Hopkins and how he was perfect for the role of Ford. And two hours after this particular conversation with my friend, Facebook offered me some custom made Westworld t-shirt with Anthony Hopkins print on it! I mean, I was just talking about TV series, I did not want to buy anything, yet they offered it to me. And nowadays, it happens more often and often and I am really thinking about quitting Facebook. Recently, I talked with a friend about the Thor from "Infinity War," and after a hour or so, Facebook offered me t-shirts with print of Thor! Same thing as it was the case before with Anthony Hopkins and Westworld!

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I have a Twitter account and lately I created an Instagram account. It was a very long time since I last used my Twitter account. I had stopped using it because I don’t find it relevant to me anymore. Facebook seems more than enough for my socializing in the internet. With my Instagram account I created it just to get a feel and it is redundant with Facebook so I had lost my desire to post in Instagram because it is another duplicity.

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I quit Facebook, sometimes I regret doing it because everyone is using it. But honestly I still think it was a good call. The fact that you are looking for energy drains beyond nofap is a really good sign, do what works best for you.

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I had a Facebook account which I barely use because I don't really like Facebook so I've decided recently to just delete it and I don't miss it. I've also tried deactivating Instagram and reactivated it after just a few days, I figured I actually need it plus it's much better than Facebook, I can see why Facebook bought it instead of compete with it. Twitter is something I cannot delete, I love Twitter so much because it's about what you know, it's not about your appearance compared to the nature of Facebook and Instagram.

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I'm considering dropping Facebook and Twitter because lately I haven't been able to study properly because I am easily distracted by these two. There are days where I just scroll through Facebook and Twitter and not get any task done. If it weren't for the important people that contacts me through these social media sites, I would have already dropped them.

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I already had quit on a lot of social websites even before. Whenever I realize that I am getting addicted, wasting my time and not getting enough sleep, I will stop on what I used to do. I am glad that I always end up to a point of realization. If something is becoming unhealthy fr me, I always find a way to get rid of it and the best choice is to quit.

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Have you ever considered quitting any particulad social media: I only have 1 social media and it was in facebook other no other that this. I never tried ro create an account to other social media like instagram or twitter because I'm already contented with this one, it was a big help for me most specially to communicate my family so I don't have a reason to quit on it.

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Never really thought of quitting a website, but I found myself using Twitter less frequently than before. This is because most of the people I was following also seem to use it less often. I think it's useful to keep your accounts on many social networking websites, as you never know if it'll become useful in the future.

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I believe that my generation had already gone through this process, we've all quit MySpace and transitioned onto Facebook. Now I am contemplating quitting Facebook, but the messenger service is the sole thing keeping me there. Facebook did the best thing though, we will not 'quit' with it in the long run, as they are owners of both whatsapp and Instagram, a service which millions use daily!

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I tried to quit Facebook as I would want to have a more serene and quiet life. There will come a time that you just want to get away from everything and just have a peaceful life with yourself. But as much as I would want to do it, I couldn't because of my business. Facebook has been my partner in doing my business for years now.

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I once thought of quitting Facebook. It's becoming bombarded with fake news and violence. I hope Facebook will be able to work more on screening news articles that is being posted in their site. A lot of wrong information and degenerating values are now being showcased through Facebook.

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