
Can an internet based freelance run without social networks?

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Can an internet based freelance run without social networks?

Freelancing on the web is probably the simplest thing to do, once you find what you're good at. At least for those of us that take advantage of the social media promotion in freelance.

But, could running your freelance business work the same if no social media were involved? Would you be limited in terms of your sales, advertising marketing strategy by not including social media into your plan?

I believe it really can hurt your business not using Facebook, Twitter and the others to get the word out about yourself and what you have to offer. Especially considering that social media is a one of a kind outlet to the people that can not be found no where else.


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I think if you don't take advantage of social media then you are just not coming close to reaching the amount of people you potentially can. Like you say you are really limiting yourself if you don't make use of social media.

I believe online marketing is like a puzzle and there are just so many pieces that go into it. Social media would be a number of puzzle pieces that would leave a big hole in what you are doing.

What makes some people successful and others not online? I think the people that make it are the ones that take advantage of everything they can, that step outside their comfort zones and just go for it.

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yea i feel the exact same way i feel that social media plays a big role in what a free lancer can accomplish as far as marketing and reaching out , and with out it i feel a lot of people would feel the set backs and it could possibly put some in a rough patch depending on how every thing is set up for every one else, i know i do a lot of marketing with social networks and with out social media as a tool i would really be in a tight situation , some times that extra effort is needed

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I've ran plenty of successful companies without social media campaigns. In my opinion, social media is a great way to bring in sales, but it's not the first thing you should focus on because most of the time it doesn't bring in instant results.

I do set up all my social profiles for each website, but I don't focus on them at first. I basically just lock up my websites name on these platforms and then I link my website to them in order to get a social boost. The profiles build over time and eventually start to convert, but that's a few months down the road.

After you have all of your social profiles set up and linked back to your website I would suggest to buy followers, likes, etc. to show real people that you have a following already. They won't know these are fake, but it will give you the authority over some of your competitors who don't have as many people liking your pages or following your profiles Can an internet based freelance run without social networks?

Since it takes a bit of time to build good social profiles I always tell my clients to focus on instant profit streams like adwords, adcenter (Yahoo! and Bings PPC platform) and Ad marketplaces like BuySellAds or BSA for short.

After you get a consistent flow of sales through the PPC platforms you'll be able to semi automate everything by hiring someone to do the work for you while you focus on building your social networks. Not having to worry about your sales because your PPC campaigns are bring in consistent sales will leave you open to focus on other aspects of your website. You'll have to check your PPC campaigns periodically, maybe ever 5 days, just to make sure they're still performing the way they should be. No one wants to waste money if they don't have to Can an internet based freelance run without social networks?

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i like it you allow your self to be well managed and i can see that you make sure you have a strong base of operations that wont allow your business to rely to much on on thing and that is great , giving your self options can be the best thing for any one to do , stating that social media is not something you focus on first really speaks out, cause that means that you really take the time in organizing and planning what you need too in case certain things fail and that is always beneficial, great job

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I believe that social media is very powerful and has a key role in marketing. Most use it and try to target people through different social media platforms. But there are also those who do not bother with it and are still successful, and I know quite a few actually. These make use of other means and are comfortable that way. However for those who intend to increase their visibility to the full I believe social media is the way to go in this day and age where you have so many millions of people who use it very actively.

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yea i could not agree more , social media is definitely an expansion tool if used properly, thanks for your comment

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It could work without the social media if you decide to follow the other ways to promote your works and the site that you run. There are ways that you can achieve success as a freelancer without having to do some announcement on the social media networks. Ways such guest blogging and advertising on blogs is a sure way to do so.

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You can run your freelance business even without using a social media. The function of social media is to bring customers and clients. However, you can find customers and clients elsewhere, for instance on forums (related to your freelance services), community boards on your niche and blogs. If you have a website to sell your freelancing service, SEO will generate organic traffic and organic traffic will give you customers and clients.
If you are on freelance sites, SEO clerk for instance, you can use the on-site service to find right customers.

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As I had mentioned from time to time, social media is the largest pasture for marketing. So if you need to advertise something then go for social media. What’s best in social media is that it’s free unless you want to avail of the paid advertising. Especially with Facebook, it is a potent avenue for promoting your business interest. Just post on your timeline what you are promoting and your friends there can instantly see it.

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