
20 Cool Facts About Social Media Giants You Probably Didn't Know

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20 Cool Facts About Social Media Giants You Probably Didn't Know

20 Cool Facts About Social Media Giants You Probably Didn
Since the last post I made on Some Mad Crazy Internet Facts and Stats about the Internet got a good response, I thought I'd do a few more of these as they're very read moreish and fun to learn as well! And especially when you learn things about some of the biggest social media giants of today, and their humble beginnings to insane statistics they boast of today! And I've decided to do this one as a listicle as well. Listing out some questions and then the answers to them. Of which, I hope you find interesting! 20 Cool Facts About Social Media Giants You Probably Didn

  • Are you addicted to Facebook? You're not alone! Apparently, up to 350 million users suffer from FAS (Facebook Addiction Syndrome).
  • Are you concerned about your privacy? Up to 25% of Facebook users don't bother setting any kind of privacy control.
  • Do you like all of your friends? Up to 85% of women say they are annoyed by theirs. I wonder what the reason is?
  • What are the most shared links on Facebook about? Up to 90% of them are about sex than anything else!
  • How many friends do you have? The average Facebook user has about 130 friends (and no those Mob Wars friends don't count!) 20 Cool Facts About Social Media Giants You Probably Didn
  • How many tweets are sent per second on Twitter? Only 750 per second are tweeted.
  • When was Twitter first launched? Twitter was first launched on the birthday or its CEO Evan Williams.
  • What country would Twitter be if it was? If Twitter was a country, it would be the 12th largest in the world.
  • How much do Twitter users make? The average Twitter user has an income of $100,000.
  • How many people use Twitter search? Twitter processes more search queries than Bing & Yahoo combined.
  • Who uses LinkedIn? There are 2 new members signing up to LinkedIn every second.
  • How many users does LinkedIn have? There are approximately 161 million members made up of 200 countries.
  • How much does LinkedIn make? LinkedIn revenue has doubled every quarter for the past 2 years now.
  • How many people use LinkedIn Search? There is about 6.5 billion searches on LinkedIn every year since 2012.
  • How many LinkedIn Groups are there? There are around 1 million LinkedIn Groups made up of 160+ million members.
  • How did YouTube come to be? YouTube was originally meant to be a dating website inspired by those Hot Or Not sites.
  • How did YouTube get founded? It actually started when the files for Share Dinner Clips were getting too large to send by email.
  • What's the most watched commercial video? Lady Gaga's Bad Romance is first with 470 million views and 
  • What's the most watched non-commercial video? Charlie Bit My Finger Again is the one with around 500 million views.
  • How much time do people spend on YouTube? The average person spends up to 15 minutes a day.

And that's 20 cool facts about some of the biggest social media giants today, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube.

Hope you like them!

Did you know about any of these social media facts?

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These are great talking points and even icebreakers for social events. I'll have to bring one of these points up the next time I'm in a large group. Thanks for sharing.

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Hey Ideal, Thanks for sharing nice information with us about social media. There are a lot of factors that you shared with us that we never know before. I really surprised to know the fact about Youtube that it I was a dating site first then it became a file sharing site as it was not possible to send big sized files by email. How you found this information? what is the source of your useful knowledge?

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I was also surprised with that revelation about Youtube. Knowing that Youtube started small, no one would think that it would be a giant someday. I remember uploading our first video when Youtube was not yet an ownership of Google. It was already doing fine with the uploading of videos that the list was growing. But when Google bought the site, it suddenly got so many channels especially when Adsense came into the picture.

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I love these threads of yours with random crazy facts or statistics because I always realize how little I actually know, haha! I really enjoy reading these through and trying to memorize some.

The two facts that surprised me the most are probably the fact that YouTube should have been a dating site - imagine that! Bet the owners of YouTube are happy it never went down that road. And the other one is the fact they've made an actual syndrome for Facebook addiction? Is it like an official disease or what? I know that some people got addicted to it especially during its peak but damn, that's crazy.

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On any social media website, I will make sure I put to edit my privacy setting to block those I do not know. I know many who enjoy receiving and sending friend requests to people they do not know, but that is not me.

As far as Twitter and LinkedIn - I do not use those often, just Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

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Linkedin has always been an odd platform for me. It amazing me how many people use it and benefit from it. Did you guys know the site launched in 2002? it was one of the first social media platforms! I wonder how bland that home page looked in 2002.

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I really do enjoy your posts on facts about social media! They really do improve my understanding of what these sites were, and what they've become. I find it interesting that YouTube originated from a dating site. It goes to show how fast these sites are developing and how much of an influence they have on us. Cool facts man!

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Hey, you failed to mention the most watched video on YouTube, let me safe you the stress. The most watched video on YouTube is Gangnam Style, a music video by Psy, a Korean pop star. The video video has over 2.8 billion views as of today and still counting.
Actually, I've never heard YouTube was meant to be a dating site before. I'm curious to know why it didn't work out. I will make more research on that. Thanks.

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Thanks for the information, i never new these facts until now, the youtube is a very important social media but i never new it was a dating website before too. i use it only when i want to view funny videos or learn something new online.

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I can't imagine YouTube used to be a dating site before. Lol. I used YouTube to watch music videos, funny videos and anime and I'm spending lots of time there. And yeah I'm a Facebook addict before too during my college days but not anymore.

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I am very concerned about my privacy on Facebook and that's the reason why I have not included much information about myself on there and I only add people who I know. I created a Facebook page and I use Facebook mostly to conduct my business and to keep into contact with some friends and relatives. I created an account on LinkedIn some years back and I have even forgotten the password. I can't really find a reason as to use LinkedIn. The sites that I use the most are Twitter and YouTube. I have learnt some very interesting things about those social media platforms today. Thank you for sharing.

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It's really nice to know that I'm not alone in the suffering of the Facebook-addicted syndrome at the moment. My likeness for Facebook is simply unique at the particular moment.

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These are interesting stats. The one that caught my attention is "The average Twitter user has an income of $100,000" Twitter is used around the world and the income level of people differs from country to country. Ib my home country, $100,000 is a lot of money, in fact $100,000 is a lot of money in Asia and Africa. If the average Twitter user has an income of $100, 000, then we can conclude that average user of Twitter is rich.

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Nice one there especially the ones on Facebook, the majority of shared stuff on Facebook is true about sex, the way sex sells is amzing.people are so addicted to sex talks and action it baffles me.Sure women are more annoying on Facebook and other social media than men.

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If anyone pays attention to business news, despite the 750 tweets per second stat, Twitter has had a lot of trouble growing their number of active users. This is something that has investors concerned. That said, I think their issues come down to trying to appease all people while ignoring their core membership. Essentially, they forgot what made them popular.

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Isn’t it alarming to know that there are 350 million users of Facebook that are addicted to that social media platform? I cannot contest that because I have many friends who confess of their addiction that when they have a lull in their work, they automatically open their Facebook account. And sometimes they even dream of Facebook. Maybe Mark Zuckerberg is very confident of Facebook’s position in the social media race because of those millions of Facebook addicts.

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Social media has become a global phenomenon and has many different ramifications. Do you like Facebook? But this began to limit users' rights so much that I do not want to continue this story. I prefer local dating sites for communication and partner search, for example onenightfriend. It's more open, free, and has normal relevance to content moderation policies.

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