i ordered and called a order when will i receive my refund ? GUIDE ME WAITING FOR REPLY
It can get annoying sometimes when you own a forum because of all the bots and sometimes people spamming your site with useless content or advertisements. The bots used by spammers are getting a lot more intelligent and ...
Some sites allow users to view its content without having to register or login. This can be a good idea because it allows users to decide whether or not they want to be apart of a certain website, blog or forum based on ...
Whenever you ask a well-known writer if they ever had any inspiration that made them begin writing, they usually answer yes. Initial inspirations very often have a big impact on the writers future work. It can be seen as...
I work in Africa where pay pal is not allowed, but some online business require only pay pal as a means of payment. Are there ways I can open a pay pal account in my country?
Hello, I'm creating a YouTube channel and am going to publish videos on it, but I'm stuck on a few things.. Hopefully a few internet marketers here can give me any better solutions. When promoting offers on one ch...
I've noticed that in a lot of my discussions that are written to help people out when it comes to making some extra cash on the side or to start a new venture, there are a lot of nay sayers. Now I'm not saying they are...
I always think it's really funny when I read how freelancing will give you more free time to do the things you want to do. At the start, I was under the whole "work from home fantasy illusion" that freelancing would g...
Twitter's ability to have something "go viral" is a huge benefit of the platform that many other options lack, and for that reason I'm inclined to say twitter is the best option for advertising. It's a lot easier to have...
I want to start writing articles for teenagers.I want to specifically educate and informed them about stuff that has to do with their age as teenagers and a platform for them to interact. My question is, should it be ...
Hello guys! After Reading some of your success stories and answering a few already posted, I have some questions: Do you take success for granted? I came to realize:I did and I also tend to categorize succe...
Hello guys! I hope you are having a terrific day! As you know being a young person in a world where experience is highly demanded and well paid. Being a young entrepreneur is hard work…I’ve been a nurse for about ...
I get a lot of people, prospective clients and just general members of the public or even past clients and contacts etc, ask me for help and or advice on doing something online when it comes to digital marketing and doin...
Website promotion is very important. It let's people know about the site and drives traffic to web pages for greater revenue. Facebook is the most popular social media network today and it is used by almost every pers...
When it comes to hiring the best of the best, it's more competitive than ever. It doesn't matter if you're a startup or a big multi-million dollar corporation, you're going to be competing in the same talent pools usua...
We have plenty of different social media platforms; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Google+ and more. But I rarely see anybody mentioning how much they use Google+ or how great it would be. Most of th...
Twitter is among the top social networks of the moment. I particularly have Twitter accounts to share links from my sites. However, I have a low use in this social network. I would like some tips to boost my twitter a...
We all wan't to have the fastest internet in the world, right? And there are a couple of factors which hinders us from achieving that. Some of them could be financial problems wherein we can't afford to have a better int...
Hello guys!, I hope you are having a terrific day.I’ve beenworking as a freelancer for about 8 months now – I’m pretty much a newbie for you all- but as most of us I started making my living out a regular job. One...
Hello guys!, I hope you are having a terrific day. I live in a small town with very few things to do for fun, so I'mconstantly trying to find new activities to do, new places to try, new food to taste… Even my fr...
Hello guys! As everyone knows, speaking another language apart from your mother tongue can open up a world of possibilities. Learning a second language is easier than learning your first and will make learning a thir...
Hi everyone, Recently I've been paid for a job online, and some of the money that I was being paid was used to pay transaction fees in Paypal. Why does this occur? How can I avoid this? Any tips?
Websites need a lot of advertising and marketing because it can sometimes be extremely difficult to gain users and views for it. But where can we advertise our websites? A lot of owners use social network pages to advert...
A lot of websites that I have come across have different email addresses for different purposes. For example, they may have a special email for press related queries (press@seoclerks.com) or a support email (support@seoc...
I am planning to diversify my small business soon and part of this plan will be to sell Do-It-Yourself (D.I.Y) decorative items. I have been selling some items like jewelry and headbands on eBay for quite some time and h...
Hello! I cannot understand why seoclerks can changed my account Level from Level-3 to Level-1? If anybody knows that also reply me as soon. Thanks
Hi Friends, Today My another Happy Day. Now I'm Level 2 Seller on SeoClerks. I Can Now Be a Great and Great Seller ! Thank you very much for all. I'm Waruna Prasad
I'm a buyer on SeoClerks, so I decided to combine the words "seoclerks" and "buyer". "seoclerksbuyer" was taken, so I reversed it.
When you run an e-commerce site, one of the most important things you have to ensure is keeping your customers happy. Because a happy customer will more than likely either recommend your store to friends or come back for...
Each time I am using my computer I always happen to have some particular programs running. Basically, they help in getting tasks done. Here is a list of these program and what I use them for: Microsoft Office - h...
Hello guys!I hope you are having a terrific day! So I always read howyou should keep away from pessimistic people, because they can really give you some bad vibes and to low your spirit in a very profound way. But how ...
I know that a lot of us here are using WordPress for our websites and blogs. We usually use a laptop or a desktop PC to edit our sites and add content. But there are also times that we use our smartphones and tablets t...
If you online professional, there has so many confusion may work in your mind identify yourself as professional. Or, if anybody ask about your profession, you may confused how you introduce yourself as online profession...
Most of us have a blog or two with different contents and although we are trying our very best to be unique, it is still quite a hassle for us blog owners since there are almost no unique things to blog about! Even extra...
Nowadays, the smartphones have powerful computing accessories. Do you think that the smartphones will eventually replace computers ? We have gone through the death of the 'netbook'. With the way wireless technology is ...
Comments are amazing for an article writer because it shows that people are reading your content and enjoying the content that they read. It also encourages other readers to discuss the article when they see other commen...
I only would refuse a job if I wasn't treated right if they didn't respect me as a human and my work and they didn't offer me a good payment, I would leave, and if they would call me back, I refuse it. In the rest I wou...
How exactly can you stand out nowadays in terms of content if you just end up writing the same piece of information everyone dose using different words but maintaining the same "language" and the same general idea? ...
Hi, I am looking to purchase a HD webcam for the purpose of online teaching. What are your recommended webcams ? I would say it's mainly for communication via Skype or Zoom. It would be great if you could be specific ...
In today's market, there are many brands of phones available to choose from ? Each brand have their own specific product line. What exactly do you require in your phone ? Aesthetics ? Features ? Good interface ? I wo...