
Why is Google+ not that popular?

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Why is Google+ not that popular?

We have plenty of different social media platforms;

  • Facebook,
  • Twitter,
  • Instagram,
  • Snapchat,
  • Google+
  • and more.
But I rarely see anybody mentioning how much they use Google+ or how great it would be. Most of the people don't even have a profile set up on it. I am so curious why that is? It belongs to Google, one of the biggest names in the industry yet it fails to truly beat any of its competitors. 

Why is Google+ so unpopular? What features does it lack? Do you use it or not?  Share your opinion!


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I think Google+ fails because it is almost an exact replica of Facebook. Why do people need to go on two separate websites that are almost identical? Furthermore, most people go on Facebook, and no one hardly ever goes on Google+ so which website would you choose to go on if you needed to contact a friend or family member?

I remember when Google+ first came out and people were basically stating that it was just a clone of facebook, because it appeared to function and act like a clone of facebook. People were surprised that Google even wanted their share of the social media industry as it were and somehow put off by it.

Now, tell me this, if you wanted to contact your mother or a friend from many many moons ago, which social network would you use? Facebook or Google+?

Another thing I forgot to mention is all the games and applications that go through facebook. Google doesn't come anywhere close for the entertainmet that facebook provides for it's own users.

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That's actually a very interesting point. And I completely agree with you. I remember when Google+ came out and we were all very active users of Facebook, I wondered ''what's the actual point of making a social media platform that seems to be pretty much the same as Facebook'' - perhaps Google tried to just sort of copy the working formula and hoped it would work? I have no clue but I think that they can't be happy with the overall results.

Regarding the apps and games, that's true but lately, I keep seeing an option of using your Google+ account as a way to sign in (besides Facebook). But Facebook was definitely the first one doing it.

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They can't be happy indeed. But hey, for most of us who like to expose our services or products or websites to other social medias, it's not bad to have an additional social media wherein we can just post those I mentioned anytime. Somehow there are someone who would eventually click or even read it. And the best part is, it's FREE! Why is Google+ not that popular?

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We have the same opinion on Google Plus that it is a direct competition of Facebook that it will definitely lose due to the great influence of Facebook with its 2 billions users. Twitter is still lagging in second place but far behind with less than 1 billion users. Maybe if Google Plus was designed differently then it may be overtaking Twitter and be the pretender to the throne of Facebook.

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Everett and idealmike ~ Well sirs. Since we are all speculating and none of us have the “inside scoop” on the workings of Google, my guess is that in the listing of products and services that Google offers, their social network is not on the top of the list as a service that will make or break the company. Why is Google+ not that popular?

That being said, I use Google Plus a lot!

I use the G+ social network the same way I use Facebook. I have been on both social media sites for almost the same period of time. But whereas I have 5000 followers in my G+ circles, I have less than 1000 friends on Facebook. I don't know how that happened! (O.o)

I like the “Collections” feature. It's sort of Google's answer to Pinterest pinboards.
I like the “Communities”, Google's answer to the Facebook groups.

For my blogs, I use Blogspot which is the official blogging platform owned by Google, and associate them with my G+ business pages and can easily share to them whenever I publish a blog post right from the dashboard.

YouTube is owned by Google and I associated my profile with my YT account. If I like and comment on a YT video, the comments appear on my G+ profile; so I don't have to do extra post by sharing the video link and then making a comment again.

There are lots of benefits from having a Google Plus account.

But I guess you're right Tronia. I haven't really gone around bragging about how much I use it. Why is Google+ not that popular?

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I think the issue is with the output. Nobody benefits from Google plus. You can see that most of the people on google plus are against facebook. But the best they can do with google plus is share content. But there does not seem to be any good output from the network. So just like orkut, they would find themselves not much gaining. And soon enough they would be forced to leave the network. I am sure in future google plus won't be there.

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In my opinion, people were already familiarized with Facebook, and since it was an exemplary and unique platform, why wasting time on another platform that isn't as simple and practical? Therefore, Google+ got a bad reputation.

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From my point of view, Google+ is one product of Google that is a flop in terms of patronage. Maybe people are content with the popular social media particularly Facebook and Twitter that they don't seem to need another social media anymore. But if what I heard about Google+ is true, that it will have a revenue-sharing scheme, then I guess Google+ can give Facebook a run for its money. But for now, Google+ is stagnating and there is no sign of perking up.

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They decided to launch it to create one more option where they can put on ads. In such case they wanted to compete with facebook for ads. And so they did forced their infrastructure on their whole. So far I have found that the Google plus takes time for any popular reach to happen. Instead what I have found works better is the youtube and facebook.

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I personally find the other social media sites to be more than sufficient for my use. Google+ does not offer real differentiating feature causing it to stagnate. It started as a Facebook clone but has lost the fight completely. Google will need to come out with some revolutionary changes to make Google+ a forerunner in social media.

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I still use Google Plus for my post URL link sharing because I found that I had followers from there, maybe a handful. Although it is not as popular as Facebook or Twitter, Google Plus is a "clean " site compare to those sites. I love the recipes and cute pet photos shared by the members at Google Plus.

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Not sure if anyone else as noted also with Google+ they stopped a few features as a few members have complained about Google+ signals not showing on their sites.

Have Google+ done away with the Google+ Social signals?

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In fact, I think is really similar to Facebook, and based on the fact I don't use this one as my favorite one, then I don't feel i need to use Google + either. To me is kind of annoying to have accounts on sites that are pretty similar, I feel that I'm doing same thing but twice. But in the end it depends on personal preferences, some may love it, some may not, some may use it 24/7 and some like me rather use another site or just avoid it.

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That's because people don't know about the power of Google +. In terms of search engine value, basically, Google search, Google + is better than any other social media including very popular social media such as facebook, twitter and instagram. Google + has everything that these social media platforms have. If you share your contents on these social media platforms, you will not get indexed on Google search, however, if you share on Google +, your content will appear on Google +.

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Wait, really? See, I had no idea about this because I hardly ever even use Google+. It's the most unused social media platform for me personally but after learning this I might invest some time into finding out more. I didn't realize that Google+ automatically indexes the posted things on Google. I guess it makes sense since they're both owned by the same company.

So, would you say that Google+ is above others when it comes to SEO?

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I've heard about the power that this social network has for positioning in search engines and it is precisely for this reason that I still use it. Otherwise, for me Google + is just another social network.

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I have noticed one thing though. Google hangout feature from the google plus is very popular. It is lot better than the skype. Google plus may not be a good social network. But one of their feature of hangout seems to be the best which may get integrated into the youtube as well. That being said, it can be hard to ignore video hangout.

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I have seen so many members on most communities in Google+. Despite that, only a little number of them are actually active on it. It has great potential for a social media, yes, but I think it is on the same category or idea as Facebook, and Facebook beats Google+ since it was first on the competition. It would be hard for Google+ to convince users from other platforms to transition to them.

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I do not use Google+. It isn't trending and not the same as other Social Media especially Facebook.

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With all the experience that Google has throughout its years in business, I thought it would be able to at least put up a fight against Facebook. But no, it has failed miserably. It's only advantage is that your Google+ posts may be searchable in search engines. But that advantage is for those who have blogs or websites only. It doesn't apply to regular people just wanting to connect with others and just have some fun. Google forgot to make their social media site fun. That's what doomed them. It's like a ghost town in there and there's not much else to do.

You guys are right at pointing out that Google+ is just a clone of a Facebook. It should create its own identity, make something unique to separate it from the mold. That way, maybe people would notice it a lot more.

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I think Google + has become a product abandoned by Google. I think they simply failed to invest in resources for this social network, making it idle.

I use Google+ just to share some blog posts because of the need for SEO optimization. But I never have good results with him.

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This is going to seem like the obvious answer, but Google+ is a failure because it doesn't really bring anything new to the table. It is basically Facebook under the pretense that it is a new social networking experience provided by Google. The fact just is that Facebook has a monopoly on the social networking scene, and you're not going to outdo them or even be on their level just by being exactly like them. Sure it claims to provide some new services and such, but like I said, it is practically everything that Facebook has already done, just rebranded with different names.

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The name is not something as catchy as Facebook and it came out with a really bad marketing scheme. Google pretty much forcing you to join definitely killed the fun of the app, people pretty much saw it as Google trying to be relevant in social media.

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I think the few reasons why google+ is not popular is first its name, I think this name confuses people the apart from understanding that it's a google product the name lacks an explanation and uniqueness of what it's about, Plus to activate a google+ you need a gmail acount which is a turn off for users who don't use and are not comfortable to use gmail.

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Google+ as a social media platform failed for multiple reasons. However, the main constituent, in my opinion, is due to the fact that people were forced into signing up to Google+. When YouTube merged with Google+ a few years back, no one really liked it. I remember a YouTuber describing it as being forced to play with a kid down the street all because your parents said so. The fact of the matter is, you can't force a social network onto people, no matter how bad or great the platform is. Because of that, Google+ had a signature set from the very beginning to fail utterly. So it's no surprise where it is today.

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A few months ago, I needed to open my Gmail account that I had not touched for some years. I was surprised that the login was asking for my Google account. That means I had to create a Google account before I could access my Gmail account. Oh well, that is clearly forcing us to patronize their other services, right? Google is so big but it is trying to monopolize the internet with the gimmick of connecting the accounts to other services.

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I don't really use Google + as I don't think that it will really work for me. I am so uninterested about Google + that I have never made any research about this. I have been really successful on other social network sites that I have never considered using it. I am wondering how many people actually uses it. I guess not many.

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