
How do you deal with pessimistic people?

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How do you deal with pessimistic people?

Hello guys!I hope you are having a terrific day!
So I always read howyou should keep away from pessimistic people, because they can really give you
some bad vibes and to low your spirit in a very profound way. But how do you do
it? How do you deal with this sort of people? Especially, if that person is a
friend and he/she  is having a really bad
time.  Would you just push them away? Please


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These are called negative people who give you all those nonsense and negative opinion that will drain you out.
Try to avoid pessimistic people when you see them. Unless you have no choice but to deal with them ( if they are your client or superior)
Don't try to talk or brain wash them because you will not succeed. They have more negative reasons to drown your positive reasons and will induce your anger instead.
Ignore their negative or insulting comments. Think them as a load of garbage .

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That's one way to put it. Negative people like to throw their mind's trash on you. So you're not wrong when you say that they're garbage. To some degree, they very much are.

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Its really hard to deal with pessimistic people. I would often turn my back away from them. Its because you can be contaminated with their thoughts. Its better to be with optimistic people. You can be victorious in life if you always go with positive people.

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Pessimistic or negative people or hard to deal with. Better to just ignore them. You just do what you love to do. Never mind those negative people in your life.

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Best thing to do is to avoid with them. This kind of people should always have a negative vibes and should not be entertained. They are always sees the thing in bad ways. I knew someone and I totally ignored that person. I believe that if we should not ignore them,they might cause negative also in our lives. So much better to stay away from them.

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That is also my advice on the issue of pessimistic people that you have to avoid them because they will be pulling you down with the negative thinking. My husband has a former classmate who he met again in one class reunion. They created a chat group in Facebook. When my husband noticed that classmate whose posts are usually negative, my husband left the chat group. Now his classmates are asking why he left but my husband is mum on the reason.

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I advise them to try cbd powder. A quality CBD product will be filled with various nutrients and can give you a boost of energy when you need to lift your mood. CBD products give me the energy I need and allow me to maintain my fitness goals, which has been difficult for me. Therefore, I try to maintain my health as much as possible with the help of these products.

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If you truly enjoy their company, and value their friendship, the pessimism won't bother you. You'll probably even miss it when you're apart How do you deal with pessimistic people?. If it does bother you, then you probably don't need them in your life. Ending a friendship can be hard, which is why people often hang on, but there is no point in maintaining a toxic friendship. Leaving it behind gives you the opportunity to create new friendships that are good for you.

That being said, friends are hard to come by, so don't go ending friendships left and right. Nobody gets along perfectly. It's important to cut people some slack. We're all different How do you deal with pessimistic people?.

Personally I'm a bit pessimistic at heart, definitely the downer in a group.

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I agree with you, sometimes we need a pessimist friend to slap us with the reality and the darker side of life. But, there are also times that someone's pessimism can pissed off someone, especially when you are in a panic mode and your pessimist friend said something negative

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That can be way too challenging, based on the fact that a pessimistic will always complain about anything, so if you agree with your friend it will keep bringing the miserable comments on and on, and if you tell him opposite you will end up fighting at each other. What can you do? First, I try to change the subject of the conversation by talking about something my friend likes, that means create a distraction. Second, show your friend all the positive even in the middle of something negative, that is change the point of view. Third, let your friend sees he or she is pessimistic, believe me, sometimes they don't know they are, so be a good friend and tell him/her. Finally, if he/she keeps being toxic then limit your interactions, toxic people will make you feel bad and life is too short to spend it in the middle of gray clouds, you love your friend, but you have to love yourself more.

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That's a sad reality. I agree with you. Toxic people can only bring you harm. So don't entertain them. They just want someone to dump all their negativity and frustrations. Do you notice that sometimes people who do this feel much lighter after expressing their frustrations?

The problem is that in order for them to feel better, they must transfer all those negative energy into someone else. And we should never allow ourselves to be that person.

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Exactly, that's what I'm talking about. I even have some "friends" that I rather not to take their phone calls, I already know they'll spend the whole conversation complaining, and letting me know how terrible their life is. Sometimes I know they are doing it to express their feelings, to avoid gathering all that pessimist thinking inside, but honestly, I don't feel able to handle my daily pressure and theirs.

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What those people need is a counselor or a therapist. They need someone whose job is to actually listen to them and give reliable feedback. Professionals know what they're doing. Though, it can be expensive depending on the person.

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True! you can find that kind of people on Facebook also hahaha. You're completely right, some may need a therapist to stop being so pessimistic, but I guess usually people can afford it. We all can be somehow pessimistic eventually, but is on us to cheer ourselves up, at least that's what I try to do whenever I feel myself that way.

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Agree! Sometimes people forget to help themselves. You can't help others unless you help yourself too. We should learn to take care of our emotional well-being before throwing emotional tantrums on our loved ones.

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I have to say that I've been a very pessimistic person myself in the past. Nowadays I always try to see the positive side of things but it sure took me a while to get to this point. What I would advise is try and make the person see the positive side of things. Calmly and patiently. If it doesn't work it's best to pull away altogether. These people tend to be stubborn and I'd rather employ my energy elsewhere.

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I can tend to be a bot negative too, myself, and I have to remind myself, at times, that I do not need to always express that. I make the mistake of thinking that people think the same way I do, and I am very analytical, so that can be very unfair and off-putting to them.

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Yes man. This is one the lessons I learned recently. I tend to disagree with most of what I see people doing and in the past, i always made a point to express my dissatisfaction. It led only to arguments and fights. So recently I started to listen, make a mental remark to myself and carry on with my own stuff. It improved my relationship with my family a good bit.

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Same here! I think when you try to change people's mind you end up exhausted and frustrated because you'll never make it. People see things the way they want to see it. What we can do it's to be supportive and try to help them be more possitive about a bad situation... but if someone is in a negative possition it is really hard to have succes changing their minds.

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Yes!That is whyis findpointless to discuss topics such as politics andsports. Everyone will have a different opinion andtrying to impose yours is not very nice.

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Hearing you say this reminds me that we all have space for personal growth and that we should always strive to rise above situations and not be petty. It is hard to know which battles to choose, but your post here reminds me to be cautious and to listen to others.

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There's a good quote that fits in here I'd like to share it. Joy shared is joy multiplied, while sorrow shared is sorrow divided. As a positive person I believe we not only must share that good will around us, but also lend a helping hand/ear to those who are down and out. Although they in the outer appearance are just "negative" there's always reasons behind peoples suffering. Rule of thumb here though would be, if your help is not received and appreciated for some reason just keep walking.

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This is true in the sense that there are many people in the world that needs some words of encouragement to keep pushing in the affairs of life. You can't really say that it is good for them to feel sad and that is the major reason we should reach out to them to keep believing so that at the end, they would see a reason to smile.

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Unless these people are my friends, I always avoid them if I can. If I get hooked up into conversing with them though I do my best to listen to them since most of the time these people want to vent out or rant about something. If it were my friends, I try to talk to them about topics that are light and wholesome. I wish to help them but I believe one cannot simply change another person's way of thinking easily.

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I mostly try to change the conversation and turn it into something positive. You can see that it definitely helps in many ways. You may have to focus on the positive approach. You'd be surprised to know that a lot of pessimistic people are going to affect your life. And that's something you would have to turn into more positive approach. I have learned to manage that part effectively.

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This is some people's natures. They can be a drag to be around, but it is how they are. I try to be around them in small doses, because they can color your world in a negative way if you let them. I just think that you need to take them with a grain honestly.

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You have already mentioned the best way of dealing with the pessimistic people... Don't hang around with them. Nobody is making you spend your time with anybody because it is your decision. Therefore simply try to surround yourself only with good and positive people. Their energy and positivity will transfer to you.

If you have a pessimistic friend then talk to him/her about they are making you feel with their constant pessimism and they might turn around and become more positive!

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Well... I don't think theres a magical way you just can handle with negative people, because there are even different kinds of negative people. Some of them are negative about themselfs, that you can handle by trying to get them into a more possitive mindiset. But when it's the kind of negative people that goes around with negative vibes about everyone and everything... I think the best you can do is to stay away. Toxic people!

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I think learning to adjust with them is the way to deal with them. Most of them have their share of the issues. And we don't have to get into their set of problem. Because that is something they have to deal with their own self. And you can see that people change when they try to do things on their own. That's something I have realized over a days around.

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Negative people do not exist. Hurt, sad, lonely, depressed, and upset people exist. Being truly grounded in your own happiness will allow you peace when around such people. My personal advice would be to act kindly towards your friend and do not directly point out your friend's negativity, but instead, say something positive in his/her favor. There is a void somewhere in their emotional life. Be gentle, and if you know you'll be around her, make sure your mind is clear and you have patience. Good luck, friend.

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I have a pessimistic friend and I can't just get rid of her because of her negative thoughts in life, to people or to things she encounter. Im her friend and I want to be with her when she need me. It just how you handle it. I only choose things which I will listen from her and the rest I'm not taking seriously. I used to do exactly the opposite of what she say just to annoy her and proved that she's wrong. But after that, by the end of the day we still hang out. You can influence them with positive thoughts and do not let their negativity win over your positivity in life. But for other people I used to get far away from them.

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With an acquaintance or even a colleague, I try my best to avoid such kind of people. It's not good to be hearing negative words from pessimistic people. Sometimes it can ruin a good day. But with a friend, I don't have the heart to turn my back. Of course, I would try best to neutralize the pessimism with whatever positive words I can think of.

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Pessimists will find any reason to complain, and they will want you to follow suit. Misery loves company, and pessimists will often try to drag you down with them so that they are not alone in their negativity. I usually avoid agreeing with them because they only think they're right and they'll keep that behavior. I try to stay on "light topics", so we avoid negativity, even if sometimes I'd try to find the root of the problem and solve it. If someone is so pessimistic that it affects my life, I will avoid them.

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I have two mechanisms in order to deal with pessimistic persons. I either try to sympathize with them, try to share the same feelings and then try to make them look at the silver linings. If they can't surpass this, I will just leave them alone, and try to make myself happy and positive, listening to music and relaxing in a lot of different ways. Sometimes is best just to don't get yourself down with the thoughts of other persons.

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Such people actually need those who can listen to them. I do that and that does not affect me adversely. If I can make them see something positive in their life my day is done There are several ways in which you can help them see something positive whatever the situation. I have had such people in my life and I have played a small role in getting them out of this negative thinking

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Thanks for the tips guys! Some I found a little harsh- the person that say that you just need to cut them off- but the most of you repeated that you need to listen to those friends and just talk to them so I guess that's what I'm going to do. Wish me luck!

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I have learn to ignore. I don't know whether it is only I, when someone is trying to be a jerk, I understand that pretty fast and I don't respond in that direction. I have learned to do me thing like I haven't noticed.

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It is not simply about thinking positively or about trying to make good things happen to the power of thought. It is about seeing things from God's point of view, remembering that He loves us and asking Him to show us how an apparently negative circumstance can actually bring us something good. We know that God acts in all things for the good of those who love him, who are called according to his purpose (Rom 8:28). This truth recorded in Sacred Scripture must be brought to our memory whenever we go through situations that are contrary to us, because it leads us to see from the perspective of God, who is good and only desires good for his children.

Often we can not change situations, it is true, but when we make a choice for trust instead of lamenting through evidence, we totally change the way we deal with life and the world lacks such attitudes. Let us make today the experience of believing more in the love of God and sowing more joy and hope in the hearts instead of complaining. I'm sure this will give our life a new meaning. Because there is always a nod of the merciful love of God in every situation we live.

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The best way to deal with those people is to ignore them. Those people always complain about everything. Even if you try to talk to them and make them see that they are wrong, they will still complain to you. Those people are so negative that they may influence others. They just spoil the atmosphere. It is better not to be around those people and leave them on their own.

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I deal with these types of people with taking some steps. I set my boundaries. Don't feel pressurize to sit and listen to negative people. I avoid complainers. weed out negative employees. Don't over analyse the situation. I develop a support team and embody positivity.

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This is a topic which hits very close to home for me, as I grew up with some very pessimistic family members. It can be extremely toxic and really hinder your growth when you're surrounded by people with negative mindsets. That being said, I've found that the best way to deal with pessimistic people is either to ignore them, or cancel out their pessimism with your optimism.

Ignoring them can be hard at times, especially if they are your family members and live at home with you. You don't have to ignore them entirely, but rather limit the amount of time you spend with them. You shouldn't feel bad given that you have to look out for your own mental health first.

Expressing your own optimism can be an effective means of canceling out their pessimism. Sometimes they may actually pick up on your energy and start behaving more optimistic as well.

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There is a fine line between a pessimist and realist. It obviously would depend in what situation the person depicts negative emotions. Next time you see the person mention how down you are feeling, and that you need some cheering up. If the friend is able to do that, they more than likely are a realist. Of course if you give you a hundred reasons why you should be depressed it's a different story (perhaps they need counseling). Either way, help and learn.

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"There is a fine line between a pessimist and realist."

I certainly agree with this, but there are also defining characteristics which really make that fine line prominent. Pessimists are constantly negative. They have a negative outlook on all things and willingly choose not to improve them due to their own apathy. Realists on the other hand look at the situation for what it is, but it doesn't mean they instantly settle for the way things are. Even if the situation is negative, it doesn't mean that they don't try and bring a positive resolution to the table. Realism always has a hint of optimism too. On the other end of the spectrum, optimism can often be naïve.

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Wow is this topic ever popular can we change the topic?

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It doesn't help to push anyone away. I would say the best way to dealing with a pessimistic person is not to take any kind of advice from them. They need to be helped and talked out of the negative space they are in and this kind of person cannot offer you anything good.

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While it isn't good to have to push people away, it is even worse to live your life being dragged down by toxic negativity. Sometimes people are beyond help in this regard. They've cemented the idea that they're negative people with a pessimistic outlook on life, and it is what they will identify as until their dying day. I've seen too many examples of this. Sometimes the only thing you're left with is to distance yourself from them, for the sake of your on mental well-being.

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Not all persons who may seem to be harboring negative views could probably be deemed to be pessimistic. There are people who may generally be negative but it may be difficult to have those type of persons deviate from their usual course. there are others, however, who may just be relating to constant adversities that have been dogging them. It's not difficult to understand their mindset and it would be a rewarding task to get them to come out of that negative funk and most of the times it may not be extremely difficult to be able to have them realize that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

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My personal way of dealing with this type of people is to ignore them and just do my own thing. I am not going to be influenced by them and I can't influence them idea. If we continue to show differing opinions, an argument is bound to happen.

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Ignoring them is the best way to do it. Life is beautiful and they should see that way not in negative way. We need to be positive in order to receive positive outlook at the same time. If we let them in our lives they would give us bad vibes and worst we might be one of them also.

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Just like you said These kind of people give me bad vibes and honestly I can't stand them, I am positive and I don't like to hang with negative people, so the only way I deal with pessimistic people is to never tell them my projects because I don't want them to start telling me how I'm never going to make it or bla bla, I just tell them when it's done Because I don't like it when people turn me off with their negativity.

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I try to think of something I can say to offer an optimistic perspective. Also, if I can, I'll try to say something to make them laugh. Humor is good medicine. I also try to put myself in “their shoes” and think of what my reaction or response would be, which will hopefully be positive and constructive. Then I present the “alternative” to them for them to “think about it”.

That's it! Not much you can do. The old folks used to like to say: “You can lead a horse to the water, but you can't MAKE him drink”. You can do things up to a point; but once you pass the baton, the person has got to grab it and run with it.

“The race is not to the swift, but to the one who endures to the end.”

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I keep such people at arms- length.They lack self-confidence and esteem and as such, they feel everybody should be that way.

if I know you're never optimistic or you only see the negatives in things or people I will to inspire you and lift you from where you are but if it isn't working.then sorry am gonna drop you as hot potatoes

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I deal with them by listening to them. I feel like everyone has a weight on their shoulders. But it really is up to us to unburden ourselves. So if they can't find their way back to happiness, it's best to let them to do it when they're ready.

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Easy to do if they're not your kids. How do you deal with pessimistic people?

I wish I knew how to deal with pessimistic people. I have some children who have what I like to call the Eeyore syndrome. They're down and down and keep going further down. You're looking at me and telling them “Look! I've already lived 40 to 50 years longer than you. Trust me. There is a bright side!”

How do you deal with pessimistic people?
Eeyore | Disney Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia

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You delivered such an impressive piece to read, giving every subject enlightenment for us to gain information. Thanks for sharing such information with us due to which my several concepts have been cleared.

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Thats actually what am doing. If that person is my friend, I would do the same. I would talk them and tell them that kind of attitude will not help them to be a better person. If they insist I would rather stay away from the because that is the best thing to do.

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Actually, my hubby is a pessimist. He would always think of the worst when I will be traveling or even if her daughter is asking that she be permitted to go to the beach with friends or go to a nice place with friends.

All that I would negate and tell him that negative thoughts attract negative things and that positive thoughts attract positive outcome too.

With that, he would stop being negative.

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I have to agree with you. I am an optimistic person. Whenever I encounter someone who is a pessimist, I discuss the effects of being a pessimist and I give them tips on how to be a positive person. Let us not be too harsh on them because they have reasons that made them a pessimistic person.

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These are all great advices you guys, I agree with simpleD If you say good thing are going to happen eventually they will, if you say bad things are going to happen I guess you'll be attracting bad vibes then.

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Yes, there's truth to this way of thinking. When we're positive, we believe in opportunities. Negative people always have problems for solutions. That's why they can't be happy unless they change the way they think.

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Yes, it’s very simple, I can hang them up at any time, simply by offering high-quality mushrooms, maybe you also need these?

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Love delicious and interesting food? Then you should eat mushrooms with a special composition. Here on the site you can order such, they will cheer you up, and with them you will feel the best, I also place an order on this site and I am very pleased with the quality of goods. Also on the site there are other products that you can familiarize yourself with.

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