
Big or small wins. Does it really matter to you?

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Big or small wins. Does it really matter to you?

Hello guys!

After Reading some of your success stories and answering a few already posted, I have some questions:

Do you take success for granted?

I came to realize:I did  and I also tend to categorize
success as a “big success” or” small success “ according to the results I’m
getting from my work.

Generally speaking, if I think of them as a “small success”  I ust don’t think there’s anything to celebrate and I even get a little down from the fact I didn’t make it "all the way there". Do you do this? Do you think this is an unhealthy habit to have? Do you consider a success is a success no matter what, big or small win?

Please share your experiences!


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I think that people often start taking success for granted when they receive a lot of it so they sort of get accustomed. What's bad about that is that you tend to get very comfortable and start just automatically assuming that everything you do will be successful. Sadly, that happens very rarely - you are bound to fail a few times in your life.

I personally, never take anything for granted and this includes success. I always strive to be the best at everything that I do because I only want to do things to the best of my abilities. I don't think that you need to celebrate every ''small'' or ''big'' success as in throw a big party and so on. You can just celebrate by being happy and proud of yourself. You should always feel good at the things that you've achieved, whether they're small or big. Even the small success will aid you as a motivational tool and that's why they're important.

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Exactly! Success is really important when it comes to motivating yourself to do better, every time. And thanks for the tip I'll try to feel good whenever I achieve something big or small. I also think always giving the best of you is the key to succeed . Again thanks for the reply!

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I see things as either positive gains or negative setbacks. I consider even the smallest accomplishment as a gain. Achieving little things daily will eventually lead to bigger success.

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To me, a blessing is a blessing whether in the form of a successful venture or a bonanza - gift from heaven like the lotto jackpot. Whatever positive I get is a blessing and I should be thankful for it. Would you believe that getting a taxicab in the Metro is already big deal to me? Yeah, when I embark in the cab, I say a little prayer of thanks. And with my efforts that led to success like getting promoted in my job, I always say my thanks in prayer. It doesn't matter whether the success is big or small, what matters to me is the positive effect on my mindset that anything positive gives me encouragement and joy.

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I think we should be grateful for anything we consider to be a win. They all help us down the road, so these are things we need to track and be grateful for in my opinion. Of course, a small win is not as exciting as a big one..but it is one nonetheless!

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Thats very well said. Whatever we receives everyday,big or small we have to be thankful for the blessings. Because whatever the amount of success praising Him is the best thing that we should do. Thank Him for the wonderful things that he is doing from us.

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I do not take what successes I have for granted at all. I'm well aware that while I produce services that are quality enough for people to want them and to be happy with them, there are people in my community who provide similar services at the same, if not better quality than me, so I need to always be striving to better myself and my business.

I don't really look at things as successes whether big or small, but rather as "progress" in general. If I get a great client, or complete a well paying job, then that's good progress to me, not necessarily a "success".

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Yes, I would donate instead of celebrating for my big or small success. Donation is a form of gift to thank God for helping me out when I needed. I owe my success to HIM. Some people celebrate by giving treats at restaurants to show off their success but this is a childish act that would convey more jealousy and back stabbers.

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I do this too. Its my way of thanking Him for guidance and blessing He give.

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This is good. It's a good way to thanks God for everything he gives you. Also if you donate a large amount in some countrys you get to avoid paying taxes. Do you do this too? I think it's better to give the money to someone in need that to the goverment, that's probably just going to spend it in weapons or whisky.

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Win is win, whether it is big or small. Winning is more important than the reward you are getting for the win. It does not matter what you are getting for the win, what matters is you won. You won the contest/competition, this proves your potentially. Winning proves that you are abled person. Whether your win is big or small, win is a win.

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Exactly, if a small investment can turn into a big profit, i would say a small win is a win nonetheless.

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I guess you are right and eventually as someone said before me: a small win is going to turn into a big win too. Winning is actually really important to motivate yourself and as you said to prove your own potential to you and to rest of the world.

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It is, and enough small wins can translate into a big win. This is the thing we need to realize that enough small wins can translate into something we really can utilize to make a difference in terms of our online and overall earning.

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Winning means you have outsmarted your competitors, winning means you are more skilled than others, winning means you know things better. Winning establishes you on the top. That's why winning matters. Even if the winning does not give you substantial rewards, winning will prove your potentiality and open the doors for better opportunity.

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Well yes, you made some good points there. Some people win but can't keep the same level of functioning going, so sadly, sometimes the win turns into a loss, or something that can't be sustained over time.

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There is also a drawbacks of winning. If a person wins a couple time in a row, he becomes self-centered and begins to think it is better than everyone. Winning can make you arrogant.

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Let's hope so anyway! We shouldn't delude ourselves though...if our overall goals is to make 3,000 a month and we are making 50..yeah it is a step and a start,,but if you don't go beyond that ever, then maybe you need to look at something else.

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You make an interesting point. If you don't reach your gal even though you have been working diligently for years, you should really rethink about it. I started as a writer, after writing for more than 15 years, I was still not able to manage my expenses through the income from writing. I began to think about alternatives. I learned about web designing. I am not still earning good money as a web designer, however, my income has increased because now I earn as a writer as well as designer.

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I believe on that also as long as you win either small or big still need to celebrate.

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In my opinion, it doesn't matter how big or small is a success event. Either one is important because you reached a goal. Everyone has a different way to celebrate it, but more than that we should be thankful, because always, behind a success there is a person or group of people who supported you to get it. A success shows that you can achieve what you wanted, but sometimes we get it thanks to the help of others who made it possible.

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Yes, family and close friends are a gigantic source of motivation in order to get the desired success.

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Yes, definitely wins aloud you to show to you and others your own potential. I also agree with you we need to be thankful to the people that help you reach the goal. Especially family and friends that are there during the good times and the bad ones.

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There are times that I was able to get some flow of income going from the internet and I thought it was "success" for me so I stopped and kept spending the money that I earn from it. I should have endured and stayed humble. If only I invested more time in it and the money I earned from it, then I wouldn't find my life now problematic as I am looking for new sources of income.
I would say that one has to keep on working hard despite his successes, and never celebrate too much.

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this happen to me too! I guess I should have invested better my money at a time. what new sources of income are you trying? if you don't mind me asking! I love to try new ways of making money but I just don't have that much experience in freelancing.

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I think small wins matter a lot. Those small wins eventually become the big wins. And you have to let that compounding effect work. So in that case you haev to understand that small wins are worth going forward for. You have to go with the small wins at first in order to have some decent conversions from your effort. So that way you'd not lose the confidence. That's what my perspective is in this matter.

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I don't play with my success story because I know it wasn't easy to come thus far.Nothing good comes easy so it always up to us to treasure whatever good comes our way.

I love successes and gives me utmost joy.

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This is true. Sometimes we just have to move forward. Because nothing is that easy. And we just have to deal with what we have found so far. I mean to say if there are some big wins, we have to deal with it in progressive way. You can see that sometimes we have to enjoy success and swallow the failure and move on.

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yes, moving on is an important part of life and business. Otherwise you'll end up stuck in your own mind thinking why things happen in the first place or not...

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Yes. That's another good thing to view on. Moving on from our mistakes. I guess we have to move on from anything good or the bad. That's what the life is all about. And we have to respect that process in due time.

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That is true. No need to stay and stuck to something frustrate you. Move on and start again. Thats the way of life should be.

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I try not to feel this way and take any victory for granted, regardless of its size. I like to look at it the same way I view most things in life. People usually try to look at the big picture. They ask themselves, "What is the meaning of all this? What is the point, the big picture?" And anytime someone asks me that, I always give them the same answer. There is no big picture. You may think it all boils down to a big picture, but in my opinion life is little more than a series of small pictures. Hundreds of thousands of these small victories are what will form your big victory in the end, so I appreciate every victory that comes my way.

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That's a nice thought, i share the same idea ;)

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I usually look at the big picture too as you said but I guess you are right and life is just a bunch of "small pictures" put together. It's good you are such a positive person. I still think we must not forget the final goal or the "big picture" as you described it.

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Every small success, in the end, turns into big success. You can't most of the time win the lottery in one bet, you need to bet a lot. Same concept with professional success, although it's much easier to achieve your desired success than winning the lottery ;)

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That's true if we all were to be winning the lottery. Nobody would be saying it as a lottery. instead they would be telling it something else. So you may have to understand that small wins count a lot. So depending on how you are pushing forward, things can be lot different. That's where things need to be understood, life is in effort and not in the lottery.

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I take small success as a motivation to do my best to make a bigger success nextime. I'm always thankful for small or big success I made because small success now can be also a path way to bigger success tomorrow.

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Yes! keeping yourself motivate is really important to keep the good quality work.

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I think every single step towards your goals is a success. You shouldn't only have one big goal that will take years to achieve if you want to keep yourself motivated. Try to have smaller checkpoints that you can achieve and you'll feel much better about yourself.

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I agree with you, I love check lists! Especially the feeling you get when you are done with a especific chore. Even more if I didn't actually wanted to do that chore!. It does make me feel better about myself. Thanks for the tip. I'll continue doing it.

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I like to be successful in every task that I undertake. I usually give my 100% and try to give my best performance. Success is a significant motivator for me. Whether it is a big success or a small one I do feel motivated on reaching my goal. There are many occasions where I didn't achieve my goal. I just learnt from that experience.

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I really thank God for any success Big or small.
Some people actually Wish or pray for that small success you are not grateful of.
I appreciate any amount of profit and it's worth celebrating by me.

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That is correct. Sometimes people are not appreciated small things but they never know that other people does not have small success. We should be appreciated in whatever we have.

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I small win would not bother me. I would be thankful that I was able to be ahead of the field. I know there will always be ups and downs, hence, sometimes huge successes and other times it will not be so great. Therefore, I am prepared to give thanks whichever the outcome may be

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Here in the Philippines, there's no big or small success. We consider them all as big so some would offer a mass for it then buy foods for the family to gather and celebrate.

We should always be happy and thankful to God for all our successes be them small or big.

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wow that's a great way to approach life. I guess you all are thankful people to God and life in general. Celebrating with the family is always good to the soul and the body. Sharing your wins with your family and friends is one of the best things one could do...

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I totally agree. It's also one way of sharing your blessings. Big or small wins.  Does it really matter to you?

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i feel we should always be happy no better the quality of achievement,whether big or small .It not even easy to achieve anything whether small or big so why wouldnt I be happy for whatever I have been able to achieve.

Even the Lizards fall from the wall bravely and keep nodding their heads for not dying.We might have seen that as a less sucess but to someone less is the greatest achievement. So let celebrate our sucess all the time despite whatever reasons.

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A win is still a win! It doesn't matter whether it's small or big, as long as you achieve your goals. Every achievement starts from small. You have to fight and won every battle until you reach the top. Don't give up.

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It doesn't matter to me if it is big or small. I am always happy after achieving something either big or small. I set big and small goals so I am always happy when I achieve them.

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I agree with you, small or big it is still an achievement that deserves a celebration.

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My opinion on that is that I do not care if its big or small what really matter most is that it is success still. You need to celebrate both success because in the end no loose from your side.

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Success are not only if you hit big or achieve your goal. Success is when you finish something whether big or small. Big success are combination of of our small success, Their is no big if small is not present unless we start from big immediately and I don't call that a success but only an opportunity.

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Life can be hard. Sometimes you can work hard and not get anything at all. They are farmers who work day and night on their crops but end up having no success because of disease, heavy rains e.t.c. These same farmers would rather have a small harvest then no harvest at all. I believe in the law of attraction. I believe in thinking only good and positive thoughts and thus attracting the same to you. I will take a small win over no win any day of the week.

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With the issue of farmers, I pity their condition because we had a sort of thesis in school about farming. That gave us an insight on the poverty of farmers caused by the weather disturbances. It is hard to imagine a poor farmer taking out a loan to buy planting materials and after a month of working on the farm, the typhoon will ruin his crops. Where would he turn to? The government does nothing for those unfortunate cases.

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It doesn't really matter if it is big or not, what matter is you have achieve something and it might be little achievement but it can be a start for bigger ones.

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