I have been struggling to make something reasonable for a while now,but some people are making more than $150 a month just freelancing and I'm really thinking if there are things I'm not doing right. Please if you ma...
When you start a website, blog or forum, you usually hire staff that are working voluntarily for the site. They make just like to work for your site or they may be thinking about the long term and may believe they may be...
Partnership breakups are a common thing when it comes to successful startups. One of the partners may think that the business needs to be going in one direction while the other thinks it needs to go in another. This ...
Hey, everybody! Today I have been looking at my Twitter followers number because I'm trying to increase it on my brand new account for affiliate purposes and I've just noticed that I've been getting quite many the las...
I've come across a few blogs in the past that have content lockers. For those of you who do not know what this is, a content locker hides the content of a particular article until you either share it on social media or s...
We're all chasing that big pay day, every day, when it comes to working online. We work our fingers to the bone typing up articles for our websites, building backlinks to increase our rankings and building relationship...
When you own an e-commerce site, the way you accept payments is extremely important. What payment processors do you accept or do you accept straight transactions via banks? Or maybe you accept cash on delivery if your pr...
This is the bad habit of computer users nowadays. Just likethe couch potato of the olden times when you slump on the sofa to watch tv and eat while watching, eating in front of the computer is getting common. Although ...
Hello everybody, I think that we are all aware of how important good reviews and customer testimonials are for any website that does business in selling. It gives you increased credibility and that of course, most oft...
I have noticed that a lot of people have recently been creating their very own general discussion forums. Now, general discussion forums are extremely oversaturated because of how many there are out there. Most of the ti...
I have been making few dollars here and there as a newbie to Online marketing and freelancing. Most times I can't get online because of my 9-5 job. Have been thinking recently of quitting my regular job. Please,...
Some sites allow users to view its content without having to register or login. This can be a good idea because it allows users to decide whether or not they want to be apart of a certain website, blog or forum based on ...
Whenever you ask a well-known writer if they ever had any inspiration that made them begin writing, they usually answer yes. Initial inspirations very often have a big impact on the writers future work. It can be seen as...
Hello, I'm creating a YouTube channel and am going to publish videos on it, but I'm stuck on a few things.. Hopefully a few internet marketers here can give me any better solutions. When promoting offers on one ch...
I always think it's really funny when I read how freelancing will give you more free time to do the things you want to do. At the start, I was under the whole "work from home fantasy illusion" that freelancing would g...
Hey, It's Nextant! I just wanted to get your thoughts on VPN's. I love my VPN especially cause its free and if you are doing important stuff it gives you reliability from anything! I've found an awesome app for my ...
My Name is Joyson Simon. I Am a Professional Motion Graphic And Vfx artist From India I posted a service two days ago for intro animations. I have previous experience selling on other sites and want to try it out h...
I want to start writing articles for teenagers.I want to specifically educate and informed them about stuff that has to do with their age as teenagers and a platform for them to interact. My question is, should it be ...
Hey, I'm doing YouTube videos and I'm thinking of getting some views or even a couple of likes to help boost my videos, I honestly don't want to do this but it seems like the only way to get really good exposure. I reall...
We all know how outsourcing works - you (or your company) obtain jobs, services or goods from other supplier instead of doing/making them yourselves. But not all outsourcing jobs are successful. When I was searching the ...
So I'm in the works of making a new eBook and am planning on selling it. For a fair price. But I want to know if people on here would like for me to publish it here for sell. And if y'all would like for me to finish the ...
Hello guys! After Reading some of your success stories and answering a few already posted, I have some questions: Do you take success for granted? I came to realize:I did and I also tend to categorize succe...
Hello guys! I hope you are having a terrific day! As you know being a young person in a world where experience is highly demanded and well paid. Being a young entrepreneur is hard work…I’ve been a nurse for about ...
Website promotion is very important. It let's people know about the site and drives traffic to web pages for greater revenue. Facebook is the most popular social media network today and it is used by almost every pers...
Quite a lot of large sites use affiliate programs to promote their own products and to increase sales whilst also rewarding the users that help you promote your products. If you own a small e-commerce site then should yo...
When it comes to hiring the best of the best, it's more competitive than ever. It doesn't matter if you're a startup or a big multi-million dollar corporation, you're going to be competing in the same talent pools usua...
Hello guys!, I hope you are having a terrific day.As we allknow the cost of life is lower or higher in some countries. Comparing third world countries vs First world countries, you can deduct that third world countries...
Hello guys!, I hope you are having a terrific day.I’ve beenworking as a freelancer for about 8 months now – I’m pretty much a newbie for you all- but as most of us I started making my living out a regular job. One...
Hello, I have made a video on "Amazing Google Tricks", please watch it here and let me know what more can I do to tons of likes and views. Thank You
Hello guys! As everyone knows, speaking another language apart from your mother tongue can open up a world of possibilities. Learning a second language is easier than learning your first and will make learning a thir...
Most of us here probably has YouTube channels and are uploading always most of the time. As the title goes, what do you use? I have uploaded a couple of videos myself but they are just for gaming. They usually contain so...
A lot of websites that I have come across have different email addresses for different purposes. For example, they may have a special email for press related queries (press@seoclerks.com) or a support email (support@seoc...
When you run an e-commerce site, one of the most important things you have to ensure is keeping your customers happy. Because a happy customer will more than likely either recommend your store to friends or come back for...
Each time I am using my computer I always happen to have some particular programs running. Basically, they help in getting tasks done. Here is a list of these program and what I use them for: Microsoft Office - h...
If you online professional, there has so many confusion may work in your mind identify yourself as professional. Or, if anybody ask about your profession, you may confused how you introduce yourself as online profession...
Comments are amazing for an article writer because it shows that people are reading your content and enjoying the content that they read. It also encourages other readers to discuss the article when they see other commen...
I've been working as a freelance for almost 13 months and it has been great so far. I have no complaints and I am very happy with my job and the perks of it.
We all know that it is tough at the start to get people to visit your site, join it or even comment on different discussions. So we tend to advertise on different platforms to try and attract people to the site. But is a...
I was thinking of getting computer glasses as I've been suffering from quite a lot of eye strains recently. I usually end up feeling nauseous with a minor headache, and suddenly feel great relief whenever I close my eyes...
Is there a reliable place where we can sell our digital photos? The Net has millions of such sites but I have yet to log on to any where I would be sure to get a sale.