
Answers from user NerdIndeed Page 2

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Well, recently i saw a news regarding self automated cars that can selfdrive.I was wondering of the day when such cars would be widely used throughout the World.The amount of job loss that can happen due to such inventio...

  • jpk0007
    jpk0007 Level 1
  • 47 6 years ago

    When it comes to building your image online, people look past custom created images most of the time, and this is one of the easiest ways to show people your uniqueness. If you have unique images on your website or bas...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 34 6 years ago

    Work related Stress is one of the most common problem that we all face all the time. Sometimes people feel so stressed out in there jobs that they completely lose there mental peace. Recently there was a news of South Ko...

  • jpk0007
    jpk0007 Level 1
  • 85 6 years ago

    I have PayPal account and I am not sure if this it's safe. I'm new to this.

  • davedaot04
    davedaot04 Level 1
  • 74 6 years ago

    I think, all of us has experienced being so lazy in freelancing at some point of our lives. This is not an easy field. No work is meant to be very easy anyway, especially if you are paid generously. But, sometimes, even ...

  • theresajane
    theresajane Level 1
  • 87 6 years ago

    While I have not had an contact with ghosts in any form, there has been stories that they exist amongst us. To me, I see that as mere talk since this is all about someone being in an unclear state. Have you had any ...

  • Barida
    Barida Level 1
  • 176 6 years ago

    Traffic is the source of life to any website because without them, the website and online business is already dead even before it starts. This is actually why some people go to any extent in order to generate traffic for...

  • Martinsx1
    Martinsx1 Level 2
  • 80 6 years ago

    Get the keyword in the title, then the title into the first paragraph. Include the keyword somwhere in the middle of what you write and then include it somehow at the end. I was told this when I began content writing yea...

  • HappyLady
    HappyLady Level 1
  • 31 6 years ago

    Being stressed out is a killer, and knowing what to do in stressful situations is a good thing. When such situation arises I take some time off and go to a quiet place, first I pray and then I meditate. Actually prayin...

  • Kakashi2020
    Kakashi2020 Level 1
  • 125 6 years ago

    Technology gets better by the day with lots of applications that are designed for several specific purposes. If you haven't heard about the application called Truecaller, I suggest that you go to either Google play store...

  • Martinsx1
    Martinsx1 Level 2
  • 26 6 years ago

    I was informed about adding more than one mail to my PayPal account and I keep wondering if it's safe to add more than one mail to my PayPal account in order to avoid getting into trouble with PayPal. PayPal is very s...

  • Martinsx1
    Martinsx1 Level 2
  • 105 6 years ago

    With the way technological advancement is going on in the world today, will it be possible to get to a phase where writing on any kind of paper would be deem obsolete and scrapped from existence? I have watched so man...

  • Martinsx1
    Martinsx1 Level 2
  • 78 6 years ago

    Being a ghostwriter basically means you're writing content for a website or company, getting paid for your words, and hand it over for them to post under their own accounts. Companies will come to you to see if you wan...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 62 6 years ago

    Hello! How would you prepare your online marketing campaign? Let's say I have some goods to sell, but I must first have a certain strategy on how to do this. It's very common nowadays, when a person has some good ...

  • Bravosi
    Bravosi Level 1
  • 53 6 years ago

    I came upon this piece of wireless Bluetooth hardware that can be used for multiple purposes but the one that interest me so much is sending and receiving files with it from computer, smartphone and PDA. It saves your...

  • Martinsx1
    Martinsx1 Level 2
  • 34 6 years ago

    Bitcoin is taking a nosedive lately with the price per bitcoin dropping as low as $4,550. What is really happening to the blockchain technology behind bitcoin? Is it still advisable to invest in Bitcoin? Will this nosedi...

  • Martinsx1
    Martinsx1 Level 2
  • 65 6 years ago

    Hello! As we all know, Google is probably the most known to mankind popular company. The search engine alone is the strongest out there. But what I want to ask goes slightly into a different direction, I was won...

  • Bravosi
    Bravosi Level 1
  • 86 6 years ago

    There are so many ways freelancers make money online and working on survey sites position as one of such medium which some people prefer to make money online from. There are so many survey sites available on where p...

  • Martinsx1
    Martinsx1 Level 2
  • 195 6 years ago

    This was a challenge when I was starting my freelancing career as I struggled to fix it between understanding what my work entails and how often I should be on social media. Back then, I used to spend more than 8 ho...

  • Barida
    Barida Level 1
  • 104 6 years ago

    Hard to believe the New Year is just around the corner! I often find myself reflecting on the past year and things I'd like to do better in 2019. Do you set goals/make New Year's resolutions when it comes to your work...

  • amelia88
    amelia88 Level 1
  • 94 6 years ago

    Hi I need to know how to withdraw money from stripe plz help me in this case Thank you

  • rnasim36
    rnasim36 Level 3
  • 48 6 years ago

    Internet and technology has been an innovative tool that has widened the scope of how freelancing is carried out. It made the reach of freelancing unlimited by giving you access to millions of people with the use of soci...

  • Martinsx1
    Martinsx1 Level 2
  • 88 6 years ago

    I read somewhere that too much working at night isn't healthy for one's body and mind. A particular writer mentioned developing insomnia as a result of his constantly being awake in the night to work. Do you have su...

  • Martinsx1
    Martinsx1 Level 2
  • 193 6 years ago

    There are a whole lot of people in the world that cannot stay more than a day without their gadgets such as smartphone by them. I think that I am one of them and this is something that I always fear about when I am choos...

  • Barida
    Barida Level 1
  • 158 6 years ago

    After posting on all clerks community and simply close my browser, when I come back again to check something on the sites, I always have my account logged out requiring me to login back in once more. This doesn't happ...

  • Martinsx1
    Martinsx1 Level 2
  • 38 6 years ago

    So many things can pose as a distraction to anyone when writing. It maybe an unknown noise from the environment, music playing, psychological issues, personal issues and so on. What normally distracts you when you are...

  • Martinsx1
    Martinsx1 Level 2
  • 138 6 years ago

    With what we witness in technological advancement today in phone development, most of us have forgotten about the existence of Java mobile devices as we are more bombarded with Android, Microsoft and iOS devices currentl...

  • Martinsx1
    Martinsx1 Level 2
  • 66 6 years ago

    With all the reports of companies getting hacked, information being stolen, as well as the whole personal identity theft issue, Can you still trust Facebook with all your data and informations?

  • totoadrian
    totoadrian Level 1
  • 99 6 years ago

    I would like to know if it's actually possible to track a smartphone device and how it can be done. I have seen this done in movies but can't really place how it's carried out or even it's possible. Is there a specifi...

  • Martinsx1
    Martinsx1 Level 2
  • 60 6 years ago

    Technology enhances our lives everyday. Every aspect of our lives are affected by technological inventions and one of the latest I have seen so far is in water tape invention. We have know about the existence of water ta...

  • Martinsx1
    Martinsx1 Level 2
  • 37 6 years ago

    Most people took up working online as freelancers with the intent of being their own bosses, not answerable to anyone but themselves and also to be the one deciding how to work, when to work and how much to earn either o...

  • Martinsx1
    Martinsx1 Level 2
  • 53 6 years ago

    I work as a freelancer due to the flexibility that it offers me as I can work anywhere and at anytime. This along with the influx of jobs online some of which you can begin at an instant make one some money for both spen...

  • Youngshark
    Youngshark Level 1
  • 145 6 years ago

    We all know what the major search engines are, and how much traffic they're getting, but we never really know what goes into planning them and how much work it actually is. If you don't know how to do the programming y...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 31 6 years ago

    Some people say that it's right to always give your business clients all the information there is to be known about your business with them but I say there are some information that they should be privy to and one's they...

  • Martinsx1
    Martinsx1 Level 2
  • 39 6 years ago

    Cooking is one of my best pastimes. I enjoy performing this exciting exercise. It is very fulfilling when you mix different ingredients to get a final delicious meal. Yet the meal can turn disastrous. The same happens wi...

  • stbrians
    stbrians Level 1
  • 48 6 years ago

    Whenever you start your online journey, you will likely think "I'm going to strike it rich with my new idea!" but that rarely happens overnight because that's just not how success works. You can talk to any successful ...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 72 6 years ago

    Hello, I'm not talking about Fiverr and other freelancing platforms and big sites. But I'm talking about ... can you independently, through your very own website, make yourself known, get good reputation and get not...

  • SVibes
    SVibes Level 1
  • 52 6 years ago

    I’m subscribed to a YouTube channel that’s fairly new but it has around 50K subs. Two guys are making niche websites together, putting ads on them for profit, and then selling them. So they have a lot of tutorial sty...

  • SVibes
    SVibes Level 1
  • 27 6 years ago

    When i try to inbox anyone it say that i sent spam message and im restricted, facing this trouble for the first time. what to do? and how long will this exist.

  • abbascey
    abbascey Level 1
  • 33 6 years ago

    Have you ever tried using audio or speech to write your articles, posts or comments when carrying out any of your online work? For those who aren't familiar with what I'm trying to say here, there are some keyboards onli...

  • Martinsx1
    Martinsx1 Level 2
  • 58 6 years ago