
Have a unique image style to attract people to your business

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Have a unique image style to attract people to your business

When it comes to building your image online, people look past custom created images most of the time, and this is one of the easiest ways to show people your uniqueness.  If you have unique images on your website or basic images with your own spin on them, you will be seen as cutting edge and not the type of website that follows the crowd.  You'll be a trendsetter as long as you keep it going for months or years down the road.

This isn't the cheapest thing to do if you aren't familiar with photoshop or gimp, which is why I always recommend people download the monthly version of PS and watch some basic YouTube videos to learn how to use it quickly.  I was lucky enough to use PS back in high school graphic arts class, so I was a little ahead of the curve when I fired it back up 10 years later lol Have a unique image style to attract people to your business  It was drastically different but at least I understood what I had to do and I could easily find tutorials online of what I was trying to do lol.

Anyway, let us get into it, shall we!

You could always use a specific filter
Your images don't have to be crazy, you could just use a specific filter with everything, which will instantly identify you as the website that uses that filter on their interesting images.  This is by far the cheapest way to do it because you can find a free service online where you can just upload your images and add filters, then you just download them and add start uploading to your website.

You could use basic images and add thought clouds
This is a clever way of making a basic image more fun because you can add conversations or thoughts to your images and direct your visitors imagination the way you'd like.  This is a clever process because it's suggestive, meaning you're telling them what they want to hear in order to boost your sales, but you're doing it in a fun way that will get them seeing you as unique and an authority.

This doesn't take much time to do, but if you aren't familiar with photo editing software it could take an hour or two for your first image.  After you get familiar with the process it shouldn't take longer than 10 minutes for each image Have a unique image style to attract people to your business

Have someone custom create images for your blog posts
This is by far the most expensive approach to getting this little trick done, mainly because you're paying per image or paying for a bunch up front and getting a slight discount.  Even if you're paying $5 per image, and needing 1 a day, you're paying upwards of $150 a month and that's far more expensive than paying the monthly fee PS is asking and just learn on your own lol.

If you want to hire someone to do this for you, be sure they have a portfolio that can be tracked, and ask for some samples.  Never hire them for a batch immediately, pay them for 1 or 2 images and see what they can produce.  Be sure the quality is consistent over time and they don't start to slack off.

You can do this later on if you don't have funding
If you're low on funds and can't even afford the monthly bill for photoshop, you can always do this later on.  Keep writing up your content and optimizing it along the way.  Later on, you can go through all your blog posts and design some fun and fancy images for your blog or website. 

Your brand will start to build up much quicker as you add these images, and you can do it over time, so be sure to do something like this in order to brand yourself just a little more.

In conclusion
Custom images aren't a necessity when it comes to search rankings or even boosting sales, but it does help brand you slightly and we all know that's a huge thing right now Have a unique image style to attract people to your business  If you're not branding, you're blending, and that's never a good thing if you're trying to be the king of your niche.  Stand out in a good way, get some custom images for your website or blog, you can thank me later lol Have a unique image style to attract people to your business

Remember to follow me!


Tommy Carey


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Wow. This is great. It is very informative and detailed. I agree that this might not be a big impact for your sales but will give you a higher edge in branding. A well known brand will definitely have sales later on so building it first might give you a success. Like what I have watched on YouTube about branding. iPhone company sometimes releases a duplicate phone which just differs in camera specs but because it is an iPhone people will still buy it. I think having a unique image style works the same way.

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To stand out anywhere and in whatever thing we do we must be unique and having a custom made image will definitely help one site stands out. Customize images help to make a content very thick and attract traffic seamlessly.

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I have seen the "You can do this later on if you don't have funding" many times. In blogs, vlogs and social media. There have been many instances where I follow an influencer from the beginning before they got big and what I noticed was that the first thing they upgrade after making a obtaining a bit of funding is their style and branding.

I agree that having even the basic knowledge of using photoshop will be a big help both personally and professionally.

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No knowledge is definitely a waste when we are trying to improve on those areas and this is the reason we should keep pushing to adjust the way that we build the business to suit the general public.

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Yes, everything comes in a single step. It's like a risk yet a learning process. This is always a great help to improve a site or product/services. It is always best to update and upgrade of what's in and new to enhance site or product. It's good to have identity in everything we do. Exerting effort is a must.

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Alot of site owners didn't just arrived at their present position in just few days .Being unique takes time especially if one is low on budget. But continuity is key. It good one continues but get acts together when funding arrives.

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I dont have a idea how to do it. need to improve my images

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Images and videos are now the top when we are talking about ways to advertise some of the things that we do. Having a custom image for our work is something that is necessary in order for us to have the best outcome on the things that we do as well

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Have a unique image style to attract people to your business: I will agree on it, it is what every businessman needed. Their unique and signature image which attract costumers. Having unique image make one person remember your business and always buying it. Businessman should always make sure that it has good quality and next the quantity of it.

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I think having a persona is definitely a good thing. I know many brands because they have some sort of persona. Like say that old guy from the KFC. You can see that such type of the persona making definitely helps out for those who want to build the business. And even better you can see that attracting people towards your business is a bit game in itself. In such context I'd say business should focus on having influencers.

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I agree with you. It's a great idea to be apart from others. But, some people overdo it to the point of becoming weird. Well, it may be an effective business strategy, but not for all. Effective planning would always take place.

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Indeed some brands are weird. Their ads and their approach is lot different. You can see that having unique persona and style definitely helps out. And you can see that those who form the business they need to pay attention if they are not alienating the users or say customers.

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Very informative and well written article.
Obviously having good designs is very important, and oddly enough, I've seen people prefer websites with bad content, but a cool design over their counter parts. Having good images made for your blog/website is utterly important.

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Another excellent and informative article once again by Sir Tommy, I wish you'll never be tired of sharing these wonderful insights with us for the benefit of the community. Thanks. All the best!

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Having a custom image will help set you apart from your others. It will help you stand out, it can be the thing that can help people recognize you or your blog. That's just what I think. Another great post though!

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Exactly! It's very important to make sure that you business image is unique in order to set your business apart. Try not to copy others in order to give your an edge over the other competitors in the business.

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That is true. The image needs to be unique. Still there are some who seem to copy stuff from others. Sometimes the ones who copied gets more people! Which is honestly insane.

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Great images captures the attention of your prospect buyers or clients. It can also make your brand remarkable. A great brand image or logo can be a good marketing strategy. However, a good quality of products and services will give your business a good reputation.

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I agree that custom images do look nice on a post. And in my opinion, having some images throughout the blog breaks it up a bit. If a person is reading the blog, and it is long, they may need to give their eyes a quick break. They can do this if an image or two are provided. I write for a client and his rule is a minimum of 3 images added to each post.

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This is such a great advice to people who are thinking of ways to attract people to their business. Well, they should always remember to stick to simplicity. Everyone wants to be unique to the point that they fail to realize that they become weird and awkward in the eyes of many. So, it's important to keep everything intense yet subtle.

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Exactly! I don't mess around when my business image is at jeopardy because it would damage the business so much that you would lose all your customers and it doesn't bode well for your business.

This has ruined so many business today. Your customers are the life line of your business, lose them and your business will crumble.

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When you don't take care of your business image, it's definitely going to affect your business in a negative manner.

People get influenced by what they see, if it's not interesting enough to them, they would lose interest and not patronize your business products and services.

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Another truth. People do get influenced by what they see. The prettier, the better. Eyes are so deceiving! I think maybe that's why some companies tend to update their image regularly.

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Exactly. This is why people always say "take care of your image." Even though how white your paper is, it would be useless to people who can only focus at a single dot.

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I agree that having a great image style for our business is a good idea to attract more people as it is one reason why people are becoming more aware of the existence of our business. It will help us a lot to easily recognize our business and build a good reputation in the market.

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Yes, great inages are what attracts most customers. But, what makes them stay is the good quality of service or product. A client or customers will come back to you if they are satisfied with what likes behind the image.

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Noted. This a very informative and very helpful to those who wants to build business online. It is a great post where everyone here get an idea on what to do with their business.

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One time when I had a blog and didn't create much content, I used to post images on the site regularly.

I'd find an image, add captions and post it. Strange thing is people would come back to see if I'd posted a new image the next day.

From the results obtained in the above experiment, I know that images definitely will draw people to your site. Offer them something unique and some of them could come first only for the images and then they'll stick around to read anything else you post on your site. Having a unique image style apart from from making your business stand out can also be a good way to grow your audience.

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The strange thing about the human psychology is that, while we like new things, new things that are estranged to us put us on guard. People like to feel safe and nothing is safer than the known, the familiar. It could be a good thing to be different. My advice is, don't be so different, people start thinking twice about you and your brand.

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@theresajane Yes I agree with you my friend that providing good quality or service is a must so that customers would be keep coming in our business. I am sure that if they are really satisfied with what we are offering then there will be no reason for them to look for other business entities for there daily needs and wants.

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When it comes to artistic items I have to admit that I have a low aptitude. Maybe I need to hire someone to think of the concept and someone to make the design to attract people. But when it comes to style I guess it is always the personal touch that can make a difference with a businessman and a client. The prospective clients are attracted when they are given more time and attention for their inquiries.

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I agree with you.I think that to stand out from the millions of sites on the internet you need to be unique. Why should I come to your site when I can go to others? What do I get on your site that I can't get on other site? You need to design your site and your content in such a way that you stand out from the crowd.

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I recommend to use Screencasting. They are used in a variety of situations. A video guide or a tutorial is a great way to show people how to do something. You can create a product demo, record a lecture or a webinar. I personally use and it works pretty well for me

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