
Discussions about Emailmarketing

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When it comes to email marketing, it's actually one of the best and most effective methods of content marketing that is out there today. Well, that is if you actually know what you're doing and can get it to work for y...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 16 7 years ago

    It is hard to come across an article about internet marketing that does not stress the importance of your email list. Auto responders are being used more and more in the internet marketing game, as webmasters figure out ...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 6 8 years ago

    Email marketing has a great ROI, but not everyone uses it. A lot of people, businesses included, are going towards social media marketing because it's easier to do and there is less of a chance of getting your email bu...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 11 8 years ago

    When you're trying to start off with online marketing you will want to work with local clients in order to get started. Now you don't have to start off with local clients, but it's easier to close them since you can sit...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 4 8 years ago

    Today I got about 50 emails today with Black Friday offers. Is that a lot? It was quite a lot for me. If I search my Inbox for Black Friday it takes up my whole screen! It's crazy. Some of them were pretty good ...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 11 8 years ago

    People think of emojis and they instantly think of the smiley faces via text messeges or even the poop emoji with the little eyes lol. But they can be used in other places than on your smart phone when talking to friend...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 10 8 years ago

    It seems to me that email marketing is a method that is being avoided or not made good use of by many. Many seem to think that it is useless, and that emails simply get filtered as spam, or that recipients delete them as...

  • EliteWriter
    EliteWriter Level 2
  • 5 8 years ago

    I was just over at Lynne's awesome discussion thread HERE and started to ponder what you all are using for your email list service. You know, to send newsletters out to your customers: Mailchimp, etc.. If you don't mi...

  • bobjoehax3
    bobjoehax3 Level 1
  • 6 8 years ago

    I recently posted a discussion about how you people close leads on LinkedIn and I got some good info in return. Now I'm pretty new to LinkedIn even though I have an All-Star profile. But this post isn't about closing...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 8 8 years ago

    We've had some great discussions posted lately on Freelancing, being a freelancer and succeeding as one. And it's been some really eye opening stuff! Stuff that even advanced, experienced freelancers can learn from. That...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 26 9 years ago

    One of the best things an internet marketer can have is their own email list. These are people that will have subscribed to your list themselves so are already interested in your brand, product or service. And a healthy ...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 5 9 years ago

    Considering what most people use, email open rates, click through rates, and other elements of these two forms of marketing, which do you think is the most effective? Would you decide to choose just one of these techniqu...

  • EliteWriter
    EliteWriter Level 2
  • 9 9 years ago