Whenever you're running a PPC campaign on Adwords, BingAds, or any of your favorite platforms, you may want to stop and think about your conversions. Sure, you could be making a decent amount of money from your PPC cam...
If you own a website or run a business, then you should always be focusing on growth. Sure, you should also focus on product development, quality, and the essentials to keep everything top-notch, but you should ALWAYS ...
There are people all over the internet who run their sites or manage some client sites that want to know how to generate leads for these sites. There are hundreds of ways to generate leads for a single website, such as...
Many people have grand schemes when it comes to attracting customers, but they never break it down to the basics of targeting and who is seeing their ads and content. If you think about it, there aren't many things you...
Whenever you land on a website and see little popups in the corner saying, "John Doe just purchased the Gold Package," that's one form of social proof that helps ease people's decisions when buying something. You will ...
Many people out there are trying to bring in whale-sized clients, but they forget to target the startups with no money. Why target the companies that don't have much money in the beginning? Because you can help build...
Have you ever gone on LinkedIn and start spamming your links to all your connections? Well, that's not what you should be doing since everything on LinkedIn should be treated the same as email marketing. Think about ...
When you get into the SEO game, you might think you're going to make a ton of money and do whatever you want while sipping drinks on a beach. Well, that's a dream, and you're going to wake up soon because reality is go...
When you are starting a business, you might not think of how expensive an email system can be to run. You might think you're going to use MailChimp or Aweber and send out all of your emails each day, every day, and not...
When I run an SEO service for my clients, I tend to buy a couple of small things from freelancers that might take me a while to do, but I brand the reports as my own when I send them to the client. This is called resel...
Becoming a regular contributor does take time, which is why this won't appeal to many people, but the payoff is tremendous. You could be the "go-to guy" if you become known for your SEO knowledge, your sales knowledge,...
Over the years, I've been running PPC ads, paying for banner placements, and running retargeting without thinking about the little details of my campaigns that have become second nature to me. Most people running an Ad...
Recently I've been messing around with social media marketing (SMM) and thought,"Can I post to Instagram from my laptop?" and when I logged into Instagram, I noticed it wasn't an option. This is where my brain started ...
Everyone talks about how they're going to be the best in the industry and how they're going to make millions of dollars but no one talks about if they're cut out to be a digital marketer. I'll be honest with you, it's ...
Whenever there is a new website coming to my certain niches, I will always watch to see what they're doing. Most of the time, they're doing a few things right, a few things wrong, but there are sometimes those unicorns...
When you're selling an SEO service, you'll always hear "Can I get a discount?" from anyone interested in your work. It doesn't matter if it's the first time you've talked to the person if they think your prices are hig...
A while back, I would have mocked Tai Lopez for being a "Guru," but now I understand why he does what he does. He sells a service, courses, and coaching to help you grind and make millions of dollars each year if you'r...
There are many digital services and products out there that can be given away for free since it costs the developer or specialist no money upfront to do the work. Sure, if you're doing SEO or any service, then there's ...
I've been writing a lot about dropshipping lately, and that's because I've been testing out different methods to pull in sales, generate traffic, and make my stores more successful as quickly as possible. I recently ca...
Many people think of getting into dropshipping, and some of them do but never make enough money to continue their ventures. Well, just like any other online business, dropshipping isn't a "set and forget" type of busin...
Many people are worried about sending cold emails and reaching out to potential business owners. The main concerns are that their email will get blacklisted, they will get sued, or their business will get a fine becaus...
The trader needs me the purchase number to complete the transaction where this number?
I've been running adwords for my websites over the last 15 years and have done countless campaigns. I've followed all the updates, algorithm changes, and policy changes over the years, and one thing is always the same....
Many people out there have great ideas and want to sell a service of their own online, but they run into some hurdles along the way. Most people think their idea is unique and quickly realize they're not the first to m...
Let's face it, not every business needs an investor to start, but some benefit greatly from someone coming on board and handing over a boatload of cash to help boost you up and point you in the right direction. Not all...
A majority of you reading this are well aware of what affiliate marketing is, so I won't go into detail about what to promote and how you get paid, so lets jump right into this lol. Well, this discussion is about promo...
Email marketing has serious potential to bring in customers if done right Just recently, I started to get back into Email Marketing and remembered how powerful it could be if done right. You can get your email in fr...
A lot of more prominent websites will sell ad space on their websites and get top dollar for them, but what happens when you have a smaller niche site with super targeted traffic and can't sell ad space? Well, you rent...
Many people are going with digital signatures and other means to share information to network themselves and moving away from handing out business cards. What you should remember is that a business card can sit in some...
Everyone has a great business idea that they would like to do online but not all of us have the programming and design skills to do this. Instead, we should be focusing on something called white-labeling and that means...
When you're starting, you will think your idea is unique but quickly realize there are already competitors doing something similar, or they could be doing the same thing that you want to do. Don't worry, this is entire...
I've written a few email marketing related discussions over the past 15 years I've been working online, and I rarely cover why someone should try out EDDM Marketing for their business. Well, that changes today, and I'l...
Whenever you start a business or website, you may want to dive right into email marketing because it has a high ROI compared to most other marketing tactics. Well, there will be a lot of hurdles for you to overcome sin...
When it comes to email marketing, there is a lot of things you can do to drop your open rate, reduce your click-throughs, and even get blocked or blacklisted by email servers. You need to know what you're doing if you ...
When you set up a website, you'll usually think about how much money you can make and not always how you can funnel people to specific pages to keep them on-site and increase the chances of making a sale. Well, that's ...
Let me start off by saying there is no easy way to get easy work that will pay you thousands of dollars for a few days of your time. You will need to bust your butt if you want to be a top freelancer within your niche ...
Everyone is looking for free ways to generate quality website traffic that will hopefully turn into a sale or two. What if I told you there isn't a magic bullet for this method, and you had to put in some hard hours of...
Whenever I run a consulting service, I tend to help people out for free until they need me to step in and do some work. If I know the business contacting me has had funding, has a steady stream of income, and is establ...
I like to run affiliate store of seoclerk. The api documentation allow to search on services, but i need data of a specific service like if I provide id of a service it will give service details in result. Thank you
Whenever a website goes live, there is always a traffic lifecycle for each person that comes to your pages. It doesn't matter how they got there or when they left; there are always a few chances to bring them back befo...