
Questions from user Charlotte

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Can you ever turn your forum into a full time job? Can it ever earn enough money to generate a full time income?

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 9 10 years ago

    Is there an easy way to critisize something about another person, such as a behavior, without sounding evil or hurting the other person's feelings?

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 15 10 years ago

    What are some good rewards to offer to loyal staff members for good forum service? What type of benefits do you offer?

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 2 10 years ago

    What are some good basics to include in forum rules? Do you spell everything out in the rules or do you keep it vague?

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 1 10 years ago

    I'm a long time member of another big TV forum and really enjoy the ambience goin on there. I have a particular favorite show that I love to watch and talk about all the time. Everytime I'm on that other forum talkin...

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 5 10 years ago

    Is it possible to take the RSS feed of your SEOClerks services and add it to an RSS feed site online? I know this is possible with a regular site or blog that has an RSS feed. However, would they let you add your SEOCl...

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 2 10 years ago

    Is it possible for an SEOClerks member to get free affiliate hosting for their SEOClerks affiliate store? Please tell me how this is done.

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 1 10 years ago

    Is it easier to get work online or offline as a freelancer? Do you have more offline customers with your freelancing skills or more online?

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 7 10 years ago

    Is it considered illegal if you fail to give all needed information in an advertisement that might influence a buyer's decision? For instance, let's say you are selling a collection of 20 books for $20 but fail to menti...

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 6 10 years ago

    There is a concept of a 'reasonable consumer' that is often used when referring to the person viewing advertisements. This term is most often used by governmental agencies that set rules on advertising to dictate what i...

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 3 10 years ago

    What is the difference between misleading vs false advertising? With false advertising, the advertiser (or company who is advertising the product or service), purposefully lies about what is being advertised to gain a s...

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 5 10 years ago

    Should advertisers be required to provide proof of claims made in an advertisement? For instance, if a diet pill company states that you can lose 10 pounds easily in 30 days, should they be required to provide testimoni...

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 5 10 years ago

    If an advertisement promises one thing and delivers another, then I would consider it to be deceptive advertising. And, this holds true even when receiving freelance services. If the seller says they can give me someth...

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 6 10 years ago

    On some webmaster forums such as WF, they won't let me post a link to SEOClerks. What can I do about that? I want to be able to advertise services as they are made available.

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 10 10 years ago

    Would you say that Facebook is a freelancer's best friend? I'm interested in promoting on Facebook groups that allow advertising. I have a page but not many fans so far and I don't know how to optimize the page to make...

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 7 11 years ago

    What languages do you know or are able to do translation in? And, why did you start learning additional languages?

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 2 11 years ago

    I like to read tutorials which have many photos as these lay everything out in an easy to understand format. And, luckily there are many tutorial sites online, so if I ever need to learn something, I can usually find wh...

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 22 11 years ago

    I've been writing product reviews on my own blog for many years now and even earned money as an affiliate. I'd like to sell this service on SEOClerks. Could this be a way to make money?

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 6 11 years ago

    In what ways are you using Google+ to promote your freelancing services?

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 9 11 years ago

    I would love to find someone who could act as my internet marketing or freelance mentor. This person could critique my service pages and give advice on what I should be saying and doing better. Do you think an internet m...

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 6 11 years ago

    Do you ever get forum members who are constantly complaining and griping about every little thing about your forum? What can you do about that?

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 5 11 years ago

    Do you ask for feedback and suggestions on your forum from current forum members? What are the advantages/disadvantages of doing this?

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 5 11 years ago

    Where is the best free site online to host pdf files? I have written some pdf ebooks that I want to share with others online.

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 2 11 years ago

    What if the domain you wanted was already taken by another site owner but contained your desired keywords you were targeting in Google Search? Would you approach the site owner with an offer and agree to pay more for th...

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 3 11 years ago

    What price would you pay for an aged domain that has been connected to a site before and is backlinked in numerous locations online?

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 2 11 years ago

    I like seeing blues in an ad as they remind me of Facebook. What colors do you prefer to see for font face, images, logos, etc?

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 6 11 years ago

    I spend about half an hour on Gmail and another hour on Youtube. Both are Google products.

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 16 11 years ago

    What tips can you share that will help prevent hacking of a Gmail or Yahoo email account?

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 8 11 years ago

    What are the best sites to get backlinks for a forum from? For instance, if you are trying to do SEO for your forum, where would you leave links? If you wanted direct traffic and new members, where would you put out li...

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 5 11 years ago

    I don't let new members have forum signatures on the forums that I manage as that only encourages link spammers to sign up. However, if someone sticks around for awhile and contributes in a meaningful way to the forum, ...

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 8 11 years ago

    Is it necessary to vary anchor link text when backlinking? How often do you change the anchor text? For instance, do you have different anchor text on each site that you backlink from?

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 9 12 years ago

    Most link directories aren't very targeted and have no specific niche. Thus the backlink you get back from the site will have very little value. Do you think that Google sees these type of backlinks, from directories a...

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 11 12 years ago

    Some forum members rush around posting one or two word responses to boost their post count so they can earn signature line privileges. Do you you tolerate this type of activity on your forum? How do you deal with low q...

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 9 12 years ago

    What are some of the biggest reasons a blogger or webmaster might be struggling or find it difficult to get high quality backlinks? Let's discuss this.

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 6 12 years ago

    How can you ensure that your site doesn't have any 404 or page not found errors?

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 6 12 years ago

    This video explains the easy way to upload your website/files onto your host's servers. [media=youtube]RDsrnFM2F2M[/media]

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 1 12 years ago

    Some free web hosts don't force ads, so how are they making money to stay in business?

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 8 12 years ago

    Is it possible to use a foreign (non-English) word or name for your domain name? For instance, let's say you wanted to incorporate the French word 'fleur', meaning flower, into your domain name. Would this be advisable...

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 2 12 years ago

    What's the maximum number of characters that a domain name should be? Is there a perfect length for domain names? For instance, if I wanted to start an online book store, could I include four words such as 'myonlineboo...

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 10 12 years ago

    I've included a Subscribe button on my timeline so that anyone not on my friends list (such as coworkers or colleagues) who want to stay informed of my projects can be updated when I make a post. Have you offered the Su...

  • Charlotte
    Charlotte Level 1
  • 3 12 years ago