
Online vs Online freelancing

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Online vs Online freelancing

Is it easier to get work online or offline as a freelancer? Do you have more offline customers with your freelancing skills or more online?


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Online is better I have more online

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I have not worked with anyone offline. I didn't even think this was possible unless you owned a company. Can you tell me more about working with offline customers?

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I have more online clients, however, you get paid more for offline freelancing. When I write an article for a newspaper, I get paid more than $20 for a 500-word article. However, in the online world, no one is paying that kind of money. The highest money you will receive for a 500-word article is just $5.
It is difficult to find offline clients, however, you earn more for offline freelancing. I have earned $1000 from 4 books contract in the offline world, however, this kind of payment cannot be imagined in the online world.

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I have never done freelancing while offline and I have never knew it was possible. I mean getting offline customers and doing it offline. I have only been able to do freelancing work online but even getting online
clients is tough nowadays.

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It depends on the kind of your personality. For an outgoing person who loves to be with people, I am betting that he would prefer an offline freelancing job. I have a cousin who is a freelance salesman. He is like drop shipping but not online. He has contacts of suppliers of different goods like footwear and clothing. He goes to the province to sell to department stores. And when he gets an order, the supplier takes care of it. For those with an introvert personality, freelancing online is preferred.

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