I need a freelancer who can make minimalistic Logos . I am offering a 6 mon...
Los logotipos son realizados en menos de un dia, esto es Calidad-Precio! Wi...
Hello friends I need icons for: Telegram Instagram youtube website Files fa...
Hi DearAre you looking for your trusted Designer ? You can believe me.I m i...
I have been working on my new cryptocurrency for the last year and I am fin...
Please bid only real person who can provide me live thread posting urls , t...
I need crypto related telegram members for our telegram group to promote ou...
I am looking for regular articles related to blockchain, ICO and other rele...
Task: Create Pegged Coin with the same ratio as USD Dollar and Wallet syste...
I M Looking for forum post comment replyThe main topic is about cryptocurre...
Hi mates. We are looking for blog reviewers and articles writers to support...
need medium claps on my article medium is the site where articles are revie...
need medium website followers.! need more and more medium followers looking...
I want you to create me an ERC20 token, prepare a whitepaper and create a p...
hello i need a icon for a new crypto currency coin like Bitcoin and Litecoi...
Unusual for bots, but maybe still possible. I need 100 members added to cha...
i want 500 fans in the platform of an artist, and I need them from Mexico o...
I plan to release a token next week. I will need someone to create the ulti...
I need a professional looking website logo and icon for my upcoming company...
The project I need is that somebody send me google traffic for 30 days by t...
Also i want an icon fro my android application demonstrating android logo i...
HI There i need an icon for my game for bubble shooting like these icons ht...
I need a simple and minimal, though well designed icon logo. The icon to be...
i need 10k LATINO twitter followers, country: Mexico or LATINOAMERICAN deli...
I want to change my app icon, make it outstanding, different and attractive...
Hi guys, i am looking for something simple simple for you, i think . I have...
I have a youtube channel I am trying to start called ScrubClub .... I have ...
Hello, Please i am looking out for a designer who is good at creating quali...
Thirty Happy Birthday Daisy Tweets. They should all be sent to mendesanicol...
I have an android APP that I want to add two new icons to the main category...
Hi,we are looking for a awesome designer can deliver 3 amazing photos desig...
You will brand my new app by giving the following: 1024x500 feature banner ...
Hello, I need 2 logos to be designed under 24 hrs. You should be able to pr...
I need 5,000 real live human visitor from North America. I prefer the US an...
Hi, i need this wordpress theme i want someone to give me the sources file...
if u thing u are good designer and can create avatar image ,banner for webs...
i need someone who can make me emoticons emotion faces for my website. 3d r...
I need someone who will design my blog s logo and favicon. IF u can do it t...
estoy buscando para enlaces solamente de sul america en el area de salud. m...
A stunning favicon needed. This favicon design will be inspired from my log...
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