
Answers from user seoflash

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Hello, guys I d like to ask you more experienced freelancers how to get more sales, because to be honest, I am currently struggling with new sales. I have 4 services, bumping them and views are counting but no sales. ...

  • Augustinus
    Augustinus Level 1
  • 20 9 years ago

    At the time of delivery I can't send the report file by attached to my client due to submit tap not function properly. I have informed to admin through the help desk. Can any body face same problem or not ?

  • wonderclerks
    wonderclerks Level 2
  • 11 9 years ago

    Today I was going over this forum regarding tips and tricks so I thought to share my little experience as well regarding happy and regular buyers. I think it depends upon how you treat your buyer . I got many returning ...

  • farahkhan
    farahkhan Level X3
  • 47 10 years ago

    some of problems am not give to buyer in time may i extend deliver time

  • evergreen
    evergreen Level 1
  • 16 12 years ago

    i have not order since few period.tell me any one how to increase my earning now

  • pradeep01
    pradeep01 Level 1
  • 13 12 years ago

    How if I forget my password oneday? Can I get my account back?

  • Betistapir
    Betistapir Level 1
  • 2 12 years ago

    How long does it take to get approved for a payooneer? card?

    3 12 years ago

    If I transfer my funds in payoneer card from seoclerks then what percentage fees it will take?

  • seo2012
    seo2012 Level 3
  • 2 12 years ago

    What are the *current* best SEOClerks gigs for link building? I want to buy a few gigs for my site.

  • ShadyX
    ShadyX Level 1
  • 8 12 years ago

    what is payoneer card and how mcuh will it deduct for sending me the money.. confused that does it work well for indian users??

  • ankalive
    ankalive Level 1
  • 6 12 years ago

    The last two free promos were a great success (except for the Videos, those did not work very well at all). Now the question becomes, what would you like to do for free money now? Affiliate Contest? 1 month, 1st plac...

  • ionicware
    ionicware Level X5
  • 52 12 years ago

    I've been trying to improve my ranking on alexa. So far I've been getting reviews, installing alexa toolbars including a custom one for my site. Also I've sending iframe traffic with high quality referrers. What else can...

  • CitrusMedia
    CitrusMedia Level 1
  • 7 12 years ago

    Does using automated SEO software cause a website to be penalized

  • egypiana
    egypiana Level 1
  • 7 12 years ago

    how can i feture my gig? i want to put my gig in first page of seoclerks

  • supun
    supun Level 1
  • 6 12 years ago

    You can now view your withdrawal history and pending withdraws in the balance area, selecting the Withdraw tab. This is particularly useful for those that have used thei...

  • ionicware
    ionicware Level X5
  • 12 12 years ago

    The most important feature you need to know regarding linking building for SEO?

  • Tynutza
    Tynutza Level 1
  • 6 12 years ago

    I would like to know how customers can give me "thum up" rating on my gig where are the starts located. Thx

  • mcdrecords
    mcdrecords Level 1
  • 9 12 years ago

    I got an order and delivered it just before the time but the client didn't make any response on it. i have done every thing he want. but he is not doing any thing. what to do?

  • gpvforcheap
    gpvforcheap Level 1
  • 8 12 years ago

    Hi, i would like to know more about what does it mean exactly this level msg for Level2. thanks 1 Payment Withdrawal that is 20 days old

  • mcdrecords
    mcdrecords Level 1
  • 7 12 years ago

    How many days does it usually take for my sales funds to be available for withdrawal via PayPal?

    8 12 years ago

    Hello guys, Well any one tried seoclerks payment via western union?. Just need to know step by step concept how it works after we had withdrawn the money. Is it safe, how many of you tried it and how much time i...

  • sohails
    sohails Level 1
  • 8 12 years ago

    Today i wanted answer for one of my questions, so i just wanted say:,, Thx so much for answer" and heheh it doesn't let me to do so, with saying :,, you have to enter at least 10 words" damn so i was wrote something more...

  • mcdrecords
    mcdrecords Level 1
  • 4 12 years ago

    Hi i would like to know What Means In Profile "Statuses" ? Do that affect my positive rating? Thx

  • mcdrecords
    mcdrecords Level 1
  • 10 12 years ago

    Hi, i would like to know how can i make my gig featured, that is in the top of service and everybody can see it as first? Do i need to have a level or i can buy it? thx

  • mcdrecords
    mcdrecords Level 1
  • 3 12 years ago

    Hi again i was again thinking about the free service promotion, if it's possible to make free gig for 0$ and if so what level should i have, and what is the advantage and how can i make some benefice from it. thx

  • mcdrecords
    mcdrecords Level 1
  • 5 12 years ago

    Hi i want to know if its allowed also cheating, i mean here on Seoclerks someone has follow me, and then he unfollowed me. I know it is up to him/her but finally it is touching my profile rating and maybe it is not good,...

  • mcdrecords
    mcdrecords Level 1
  • 8 12 years ago

    i have created a lots of service in seoclerks but i'm not getting that much order but all my gigs are created in a good way. Could any one tell me which service is more selling in seoclerks?

  • gpvforcheap
    gpvforcheap Level 1
  • 8 12 years ago

    I have cancel an order because of the problem of clients site before the delivery time by informing the client will this make any effect on my ratings. i have already completed 4 orders successfully and marked as complet...

  • gpvforcheap
    gpvforcheap Level 1
  • 3 12 years ago

    is google plus share good to make my site's SEO ? Is it results visitor.

    3 12 years ago

    Google plus is new site . Is google plus helps to boost SEO?

    9 12 years ago

    Does social bookmarking helps to make SEO of my site ? Is it good to get visitor.

    7 12 years ago

    I need lots of traffic. Is twitter a good site to get visitor ?

    11 12 years ago

    I want lot of visitor to my site. how can I get more visitor to my site ?

    8 12 years ago

    how can my site get on first page on google ?

    8 12 years ago

    I have made 5 services. Is creating more service good to earn money on seoclerk ?

    5 12 years ago

    I made 5 services .How many service can I make here on seoclerk ?

    9 12 years ago

    what is the benefit of level 3 seller ? What is its advanatage ?

    10 12 years ago

    How many backlinks a Website needs to get a PR2? Just that. Thanks

  • Making
    Making Level 1
  • 17 12 years ago

    I understand what the thumbs up and down mean. But I don't know what the plus or the bar chart mean.

  • Aryadne
    Aryadne Level 1
  • 2 12 years ago

    i just wanna know does anyone can tell me

  • gulab
    gulab Level 1
  • 12 12 years ago