Why is my order not complete? I ordered 50 referrals 2 days ago, but I received only 10 out of 50 referrals. I just want to know if I can trust this seller? Should I request a refund or should my order be complet...
I know you can create a url to refer to a specific offer or category. Can you create an affiliate url for a search, like all offers within certain dollar amounts?
If you've been getting your customers to send referrals to you then you're ahead of the game and already understand that they are little gold mines. If you don't know what a customer referral is, well it's a referral s...
When it comes to making money online, you can definitely do everything on your own and be successful, but if you bring on your customers to bring in additional referrals you'll be tapping into a powerhouse marketing team...
When it comes to generating sales or subscriptions you likely are getting a few referrals here and there. If you aren't trying to get referral traffic, you're failing at a pretty specific type of marketing, and that is...
I know some members have shared a few tips on how to get affiliate referrals to SeoClerks and I would love everyone to share any tips they have. There was a discussion a little while ago about the fact that you can n...
When i share other member's gigs in order to bump my own, is my affiliate ID added to those links so i get any referrals that sign up?
So i got a new affiliate sign up under me & that new affiliate made a purchase straight away. On my affiliate page, next to that member's username, last login, etc.. it says that they have spend $5, but there is no ...
What is the best way to get active referrals?
When someone clicks on my referral link and are taken to SEOClerks, my referral ID disappears straight away. How long after that visitor visits SEOClerks have i got for them to sign up before it no longer counts as my re...