
Discussions about Freelance Page 3

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I never really earned well with the $1.00 services. That's not saying I didn't have $1.00 services, but there was never a time that a $1.00 buyer actually became a regular customer. Seriously, it would take me an hour to...

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 3 8 years ago

    Selling your service at cheaper rates can help you earn more sales as an SEOClerks seller. Do you believe this is true or are there other factors involved?

  • hafizul659
    hafizul659 Level 1
  • 4 8 years ago

    I have never been very good at content writing, English is not my first language and I will probably not be as good as a talented native English speaker no matter how much practice I get. Nevertheless, this hasn't st...

  • Cristian
    Cristian Level X3
  • 8 8 years ago

    With so many freelancers working online (and offline) now, it's becoming tougher to make that all important first sale. You know the ones that establish your reputation and help you get a foot into the freelance business...

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 4 8 years ago

    Hello i wanted to start this discussion based on my experience. How to become successful freelancer and get sales and keep customers coming back . You may have talent and you are an expert in you field but that's no...

  • rabih4483
    rabih4483 Level 1
  • 15 8 years ago

    I was just trying to think how I found and joined SEOClerks. I can't even remember how I found it now lol.. I think I was searching for to buy some SMM service in Google I think. How did you find and start using...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 6 8 years ago

    We have talked about this previously too, but we've never really covered this exact topic, which is why I've published this discussion.. Let's face it, you don't really send job applications if you're working on...

  • hitmeasap
    hitmeasap Level X5
  • 8 8 years ago

    Hello fellow freelancers! It's been about one month since my post about leaving this wonderful freelancing world.. Since then, I've made more money than I made the last 3 months combined.. With that being said.. Wha...

  • hitmeasap
    hitmeasap Level X5
  • 13 8 years ago

    If you're working from home as a WAHM (Work At Home Mom) or WAHD (Work At Home Dad) and you are a freelancer. Then you really should have some ground rules in place if you are to be productive and all you can be. In the ...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 6 8 years ago

    Hello and happy new year 2017 SEOClerks! Apparently it's traditional to say that around this time of year. And you know whenever you hear it, it's always to wish you well for the new year ahead. Which is exactly wh...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 6 8 years ago

    Timing is everything. Perhaps not everything, but at least it's very important when it comes to sales, freelancing and business in general. That being said, I recently published a topic about: "Christmas Gifts/X-M...

  • hitmeasap
    hitmeasap Level X5
  • 7 8 years ago

    Hey, Guys, I was wondering, what are your priorities as a freelancer for 2017? As far as SEOclerks goes, I want to achieve the following: never miss a deadline develop at least 10 new different services get at...

  • Cristian
    Cristian Level X3
  • 6 8 years ago

    Hello freelancers & Merry Christmas! Christmas is a wonderful time, and most people I know are celebrating Christmas like a bunch of crazy people. Literally. Personally, even though I love Christmas, I don...

  • hitmeasap
    hitmeasap Level X5
  • 10 8 years ago

    Do you employ, or are you a freelancer in New York? There's a new law that is going to go into effect May 2017, that requires contracts for both parties with freelancer projects that are $800 and more over a 6 month peri...

  • Everett
    Everett Level X4
  • 4 8 years ago

    There's some big changes going on in the world of freelancing in NY, USA right now that can effect both freelancer and the people that hire freelancers. A new law was passed by the city council of New York in October tha...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 10 8 years ago

    Many of us have been working online for years and have been chasing, or caught, the "American Dream" of working for ourselves and not having to answer to a boss. I put "American Dream" in quotes because not all of us ar...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 4 8 years ago

    Freelancer Tools. What do I mean by "Tools"? It's simple. I don't mean your coffee, pen or paper or a pocket calculator. I'm talking about online tools. I'm talking about a specific software, tools or programs yo...

  • hitmeasap
    hitmeasap Level X5
  • 6 8 years ago

    Dear Freelancers, do you work where you live? Is your work space the same as your play space? If so, and you want to stop working for a while, how do you escape your work place or work station if it's the same place as w...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 10 8 years ago

    If you work from home, are a WAHM (Work at Home Mom) or a WAHD (Work at Home Dad), does what you wear have any effect on how productive you are? Apparently it does! When you wake up in the morning, it can be very temp...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 7 8 years ago

    I believe this needs to be addressed by someone since it just came up in one of the other discussions. Everyone here wants to make money and one of the recent discussions was about the English language and it has be...

  • Lynne
    Lynne Level 1
  • 11 8 years ago

    Okay so, the last few days, our man André has been posting and asking about starting his first blog. And I wish more people would post questions like he asks as people that ask questions are people that get answers and ...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 16 8 years ago

    I don't really have much to rant about on SEOClerks. In fact, 100% of the time I'm singing its praises and blessing it around the clock! And this isn't about SEOClerks anyway but just about people in general. But I just...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 9 8 years ago

    Six years ago back when I finished college and got my university degree I was already making money online so I saw no reason to find a "real job" as my father frequently told me. I've freelanced for about 3 years fr...

  • Cristian
    Cristian Level X3
  • 21 8 years ago

    Hello all freelancers. Obviously when you sell a service on SEOClerks you get paid for that service and any extras that you sell with it. You do the work that's required, then deliver the order and then you get paid when...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 13 8 years ago

    There may be times when you have done the best job as a seller and yet your buyer provides a negative rating. It is useful to understand why your buyer would take this course of action, before over-reacting or accusing ...

    RICKY Level 1
  • 8 8 years ago

    Hello all! Freelancers, WAHM's or WAHD's. Anyone that works online in any way. Anyone that knows about freelancing, whether they are a freelancer or not. I'm doing a bit of research for a post I'm working on. Basicall...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 10 8 years ago

    Dear Freelancers, What's the easiest business you've had online? You might have had a business that you literally spent like 5 minutes per month on and still was able to generate a decent income.. or perhaps your SEO...

  • hitmeasap
    hitmeasap Level X5
  • 15 8 years ago

    Are you a freelancer that lives and works in the UK and have an iPhone? Want a cool bag for life like one of these.....? How to get it? Just head on over to You'll ne...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 7 8 years ago

    A couple of months ago I wrote my first article on LinkedIn in my way off developing my account to the "All Star" point. Got a decent number of view and helped a lot with my credibility, the actual result was way over my...

  • Cristian
    Cristian Level X3
  • 12 8 years ago

    Okay this thread is like one of those game threads where you say something and the next person has to say something and carry it on. But with a twist! This thread was inspired by one of Andre's recent threads where he as...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 7 8 years ago

    I have noticed that in almost all freelance even seoclerks itself, there is a statement that says that it is recommended that one makes his title short as ; SHORT Title result in MORE sales. when creating a gig/service. ...

  • chetaseo
    chetaseo Level 2
  • 13 8 years ago

    For a while now I'm contemplation on buying a medium DSLR camera and starting to learn about photography and how to turn this into another freelance skill to earn more money online. Every since Mike made written this t...

  • Cristian
    Cristian Level X3
  • 8 8 years ago

    The digital marketing industry is an industry that has some of the highest paying jobs and a digital marketing career can be very lucrative for you according to Mondo a digital marketing and technology staffing solutions...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 7 8 years ago

    Fellow Freelancers, Today is the day I will ask you a question and today is the day you can decide whether or not it would be interesting! A case study/insider report-thingy. I can't actually come up with a good name...

  • hitmeasap
    hitmeasap Level X5
  • 15 9 years ago

    I've never really been into trend riding, and I do my thing rather then trying to go with the flow so to speak. - If I notice that one billion people are starting to buy T-shirts tomorrow, then I'm not one of those guys ...

  • hitmeasap
    hitmeasap Level X5
  • 8 9 years ago

    Do you ever wonder just how big the freelance industry is? Do you know of any up to date infographics, sites or blogs that share any info on the freelance industry such as which age group are most likely to use a free...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 6 9 years ago

    Ok. I've gotten to a point when I have a lot on my plate. I have a day job and I have a very busy freelance schedule, a schedule that's becoming harder and harder to maintain because I'm working a multiple "fronts". M...

  • Cristian
    Cristian Level X3
  • 13 9 years ago

    Are you currently looking for a side income to supplement your current job, or you’re totally unemployed and have gotten tired of relying on support? With the internet stretching is large arms of generosity to everyon...

  • anwebservices
    anwebservices Level X5
  • 14 9 years ago

    There are several ways to accomplish that target, but for now, we will only mention a few. Educate: All authority figures are educators and advocates of their clients’ success. Today’s marketing is done online m...

  • anwebservices
    anwebservices Level X5
  • 5 9 years ago

    Hi Freelancers. When you have a lot orders on, and clients you have to work for and you're fairly busy for it. Do you try to get all of this done as early in the day as possible or do you prefer to stagger it out through...

  • idealmike
    idealmike Level X3
  • 7 9 years ago

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