Who's your favorite singer ?
I like to play games online such as Runescape, Ninja Kingdom (Facebook) and also console games. Crochet is one of my favorite types of crafts. I surf freebie forums looking for free product samples in my spare time. A...
I was into gymnastics and ballet for a very long time as a child. And, at one point, we went to the circus and I became fascinated by acrobats and was determined to devote my life to that. Thankfully, I grew out of tha...
There are so many angry people now, complaining about a lack of sales or anger over site issues. They can't just voice a concern and move on but become hostile and belligerent when others try to respond to help. And, i...
Sports injuries are very common for athletes and can spell the end of a promising sport's career. Did you ever suffer a serious or minor sport's injury or something that ended your dream of being a great athlete?
In the ideal world, no one would have to lie. But, in reality people lie all the time. And, maybe there is a difference between the little white lies told and the big lies which can destroy lives. What do you think o...
Greetings to you all! I'd love to know what type of music or artist gets you to where you want to be in your day! For me, I love a variety of different music from various era's. I enjoy listening to 1930's-present day. ...