
What do you think of people who lie?

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What do you think of people who lie?

In the ideal world, no one would have to lie. But, in reality people lie all the time. And, maybe there is a difference between the little white lies told and the big lies which can destroy lives.

What do you think of people who lie? Is there any difference between a little lie and a big lie?

Would you ever trust someone who lied to you? And, how do you know what they did was a lie versus an honest mistake or miscalculation?


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If I found out someone was lying about a really important thing, then I would never trust them again as a friend or business partner. Anyone can be mistaken, but a lie is intentional.

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I am very much an observant person, who picks up on the little things without anybody noticing until the time is right. Hypocrisy is something I can't stand and it's something I pay attention to. I listen and converse, however I go by the amount of hypocritical statements they are telling me. If it's not really noticeable, then I lean toward trusting them... If it's noticeable then I won't trust anyone until I see some consistency with what they're saying.

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In the online world there are no real friends and you should not mistake friendly behavior for friendship. So if someone doesn't just automatically tell you ever truth of their life, don't feel bad about it. That's just part of the self protection that people use to prevent themselves from being hurt or scammed online.

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I am not a fan of people who lie. It is not very hard to tell the truth I do not think!

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I CAN NOT stand them one bit!

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I personally hate people that lie especially the ones that lie to ruin other people's lies. In some cases little white lies are fine as long as they mean no harm to someone. I just recently had a friend lose a job over lies that were said. It just goes to show that people's lies can be destroyed just by one person telling the biggest lie.

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I hate it when others lie, especially when I know that they are lying to me!

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NOt impressed at all. I can not stand it when people lie. I would rather just have them keep their mouths shut.

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NOt impressed at all. I can not stand it when people lie. I would rather just have them keep their mouths shut.

Anyone can make a mistake, that's just human nature. But a lie is something more insidious. Boasting is another form of lying, especially if what the person says is exaggerated. It's just done to make others feel inferior.

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There is no reason to lie. If you can not tell the truth then I don't want to hear your lies.

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There is no reason to lie. If you can not tell the truth then I don't want to hear your lies.

Some things are too private to share but rather than lying about them the person could simply say "It's private." or "I'd rather not say."

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I don't think it is about big or small lie. Lie is a lie. Liar is a liar. That's the fact. And I hate those people.

However, some people make exception for those who are lying for wellness. They call it "white lie". But still, for me it is not right.
Whatever the reason, lie is still a lie.

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I don't think it is about big or small lie. Lie is a lie. Liar is a liar. That's the fact. And I hate those people.

However, some people make exception for those who are lying for wellness. They call it "white lie". But still, for me it is not right.
Whatever the reason, lie is still a lie.

I think maybe some people tell white lies about personal business as some others are very insistent and won't quit until given an answer.

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they make me mad and I don't want to be around them!

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I hate lies and fake people. and I want to be so far from being Liars.

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Is there really honest advertisers out there? lol Im just kidding. But I would think to be in business, any skilled salesman would have to be a professional at BSing. I know I have spilled my fair share of BS. Although, I can't stand fake people. Hmmmm. Pretty contradicting actually. Either way, I think there is a line as to what is acceptable.

I tell my fiancee she's most beautiful in the morning. What do you think of people who lie?

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Is there really honest advertisers out there? lol Im just kidding. But I would think to be in business, any skilled salesman would have to be a professional at BSing. I know I have spilled my fair share of BS. Although, I can't stand fake people. Hmmmm. Pretty contradicting actually. Either way, I think there is a line as to what is acceptable.

I tell my fiancee she's most beautiful in the morning. What do you think of people who lie?

And, possibly each person sees the line in a different place, rather than it being the same for all.

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Little or big lies, they're all the same and say something about the person saying them. If you lie a little then you'll lie a lot as you don't see life in black and white, only shades of gray.

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Liar is a liar and I hate those people. when I know they lying to me I never trust them again in future .

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Liar is a liar and I hate those people. when I know they lying to me I never trust them again in future .

Sometimes, you just have to let these people go as you don't know when they are telling the truth or not and the trust is broken forever.

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They make me very mad and annoy the heck out of me. I will not tolerate those that lie.

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They make me very mad and annoy the heck out of me. I will not tolerate those that lie.

As you say, it's annoying. Especially bad, when someone you love lies like this. If a person feels a certain way, I'd rather know the truth than have them make up petty lies.

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It bothers me a lot when people lie, especially when they make it obvious that they're lying.
It just pisses me off.

I have met a lot of people online who are obviously exaggerating the truth about their own lives. One of my friends online has the worst luck ever, literally a new tragedy or mishap that hits her daily. Either she is the unluckiest person on the planet or making things up for sympathy.

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As you say, it's annoying. Especially bad, when someone you love lies like this. If a person feels a certain way, I'd rather know the truth than have them make up petty lies.

Yes the truth is always better. Because once a lie is told you can not take it back!

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Some people lie to friends and family, others only lie to strangers. I do not know which is worse though. If you will lie to someone you love or who loves you, then what is to stop you from lying to others who have no way of knowing that you are not telling the truth? I think this ability to lie makes a person ruthless and unstoppable.

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Lies compound and add up easily, so after awhile you don't know what truth is anymore.

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I agree with you there Caitlin! that is so true.

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They make me mad and I don't even want to be near them.

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It's too hard to trust on a liar...

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I don't think it is about big or small lie. Lie is a lie. Liar is a liar. That's the fact. And I hate those people.

However, some people make exception for those who are lying for wellness. They call it "white lie". But still, for me it is not right.
Whatever the reason, lie is still a lie.

So true. No mater what, you should not lie!

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I don't like liars.

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Lying is another form of self protection. Sometimes, people just don't want to let you into the inner circle. If someone lies to you on Facebook, it's just their way to keep you at arm's length. I'm sure you would do the same if you felt a stranger was getting too close.

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people most times lie to get out of difficult situation or to get what they want illegally or others reasons. but i feel a liar if he shows remorse can be given a second chance and forgiven.

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Depends on the situation but I prefer that people are honest to me

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sure and you have to be also honest to yourself and to others also. do what you want others to do unto you.

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I hate liars . Actually what I think its a sin and also its a chain thing like if you lie once you have to lie more and more to keep the first lie safe . So Because of single lie a person lie multiple times to keep proving the first lie.

Farah khan

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I won't have anything more to do with a friend if I found out she lied about something important.

I don't like little lies but usually they are harmless. I won't sacrifice a lifetime of friendship over that.

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I have met a lot of people online who are obviously exaggerating the truth about their own lives. One of my friends online has the worst luck ever, literally a new tragedy or mishap that hits her daily. Either she is the unluckiest person on the planet or making things up for sympathy.

Those people are not your real friends anyway, that's why they can lie and make up stories so easily. If that person really cared about you, she would not bother lying, even if her life is so boring.

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I personally hate people that lie especially the ones that lie to ruin other people's lies. In some cases little white lies are fine as long as they mean no harm to someone. I just recently had a friend lose a job over lies that were said. It just goes to show that people's lies can be destroyed just by one person telling the biggest lie.

But who determines how little a white lie has to be before it's harmless?

Even something that seems harmless to one person might end up being a deadly lie to another.

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When someone look me in the eyes and lie to me, i feel so awful like if he / she telling me that i'm stupid... So i hate lies :mad:

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When someone look me in the eyes and lie to me, i feel so awful like if he / she telling me that i'm stupid... So i hate lies :mad:

It's as if they think you are gullible and you are not. They are just treating you so disrespectfully by lying to your face. It's rude and hurtful to be lied to in that way.

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It's as if they think you are gullible and you are not. They are just treating you so disrespectfully by lying to your face. It's rude and hurtful to be lied to in that way.

These people who lie to you in your face are not your friends and so you should have nothing to do with them even if they apologize, because they are likely lying again.

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I don't trust many people anyway. So I don't think it would bother me if I found out that a casual acquaintance was lying as I rarely believe things unless I have seen them for myself.

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It takes a very long time for me to trust anyone. So if I found out that a friend was lying to me, I would feel as if I had let myself down by trusting that person. I'm usually very picky about whom I allow to be close to me. I'm a good judge of character.

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Lies will always catch up with you. And, if you lie, no one will trust you. That's what I would say to someone who depends on lying for a living. JUst don't do it if you want to be loved and have friends.

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It's as if they think you are gullible and you are not. They are just treating you so disrespectfully by lying to your face. It's rude and hurtful to be lied to in that way.

You don't need friends like that anyway. So, it's better to find out they are lying now than to get more involved with that type of person and invest yourself more emotionally than you already are.

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What do I think about liars? Actually, I don't think about them much as this is not the type of person that I associate with.

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Well, if you see the studies that have been made about the liars you will note that every person lies, and we lie from 4 to 200 times in a day, so if we talk about everyone I can say that we are all humans and we can make mistakes and lie to another person, but I think that we have to try with the best of us to not lie, because it is not good for the other people and it is not good for us too. Also, they are humans too, so we have to be tolerant, but not idiots, so if someone lie every time to me, I just walk away.

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Hi, Beverly I hate people who lie, in fact, I don't think I can hate something more than lie in this world. We socialize, have a lot of friends, we love, we are hurt, but nothing hurts more than a lie. I am always honest and never lie because I like to know that people trust me and know I'm not lying!

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I don't think anyone likes to be lied to. It's a terrible thing to do and can only get worse over time. People who constantly lie eventually get trapped in their own web of lies. This is why it's better to be honest and truthful from the beginning. If you lie too much when you finally tell the truth no one will believe you.

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All peopledo lies accept or not we all do mistake and do lie for some reason or another.A ‘white lie” is one we make to maintain our social status. We lie to
preserve an image of ourselves like you lie about your weight. Telling the truth feels like giving up control. Often, people tell lies because they are trying to control a situation and exert influence toward getting the decisions or reactions they want. They don’t want to disappoint you people who tell lie after lie is often worried about losing the respect of those around them. They want you to like them, be impressed, and value them. They want it to be true. Finally, the liar might want their lie to be true so badly that their desire and needs again overwhelm their instinct to tell the truth. When you see and feel that they lie unintentional you should give a person a chance to correct his mistake.

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Telling lies is the same thing everywhere and there is nothing like the big or little lie. I don't like doing things with dishonest people for it is always a case of not knowing when they are saying the truth or lies.

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