Dear All Members Vivadh here We really had bad time from last 3 days .. There was 7.9 Ractor Scale Earthquake in Nepal on 25th and on 26th there was another 6.9 RS Earthquake .. I am sure you all are aware of it .. ...
What do you think about people who cheat their way through life, always taking the easiest way out or using others to get by without working? Do you think this is cheating or is it just smart thinking?
I want to know what you all are doing for the nice weather now. Are you going to picnic and barbeque outdoors? Will you be camping? Tell me what you have planned for spring and summer.
Mother's Day is coming, did anyone think of a photo album made with AmoyShare Photo Collage Maker personally to mom as the gift? I wonder if there is people who thinks the same as me, please give me some advice about usi...
I do not know anything about football and don't watch it on TV or in person at games. I don't follow sports. Maybe you can tell me more about your favorite teams or what you love about the game so much.
hi , I need to balance on bank Perfect Money How to find this service here?
Hey guys! I wanted to know how to get an level up so i can sell services for $1. please help me with it!
We all have played computer games in school and college days Are you playing games now then Which is your favorite game ? Mine is Bioshock and Redalert .
I liked watching Dexter and a few other shows on Netflix, until I ran out of new episodes to watch. Now I wish that I had cable so I could see Vikings. I was about halfway through season two of Vikings.
Hello is possible to cancel witdraw request?? i want change payoneer address!! how i can?? Thanks so much!! is urgently!!!
Is there a way to turn off voicemail on a cellphone, an iphone? An Iphone 4, 4s? How?
Hi folks. I have to share this with you because it was so funny i was laughing my ass out English is my second language too and i admit i am not always grammatically correct, but many times i find very funny things her...
What is the Position of English in Your Country? My answer: The position of English in my country is as a foreign language.
Hi, I am a freelancer from Bangladesh. I like freelancing. I have heard a lot about freelancing which make me come to freelancing. I do not have any extraordinary skills such as web developing, programming or graphics de...
I love sleeping late on the weekend, though I have to get up very early on the weekdays to feed my dogs and go to work. I wish that I could sleep in on Mondays as I'm always tired.
If I could have one special power, it would be the ability to vanish and reappear in another place on a whim. I think this would be useful for getting out of tricky situations. What would your special power be?
Facebook keeps showing me ads for this new Birchbox service, which is a company that ships a sampler box of popular products to your door every month for about $10 a box. Have you tried this service? Is it any good?
I thought I heard a character say bow chicka wow wow. I've tried to find it again, with no luck. Does anyone know if it's in the movie Just Go With It with Adam Sandler and Jennifer Anniston? I think it was one of them,...
Can you get financial assistance if you are self employed? I got medical assistance a month ago. I had a job, I plan to be self employed. I no longer have my job and I'm starting my own work. Can you get financial assist...
I love taking walks in the neighborhood with my dogs. They are always happy be outdoors, even in cold weather. And, their happy energy keeps me going.
Has anyone ever tried that? is it against the rules to do so? i see people sell bitcoins on ebay and i know they get scammed all the time, but if the money is going through a third party (seoclerks) then you can't get sc...
what is your new year resolution 2015
Hello all, As we know due to festival season the sales is some how low in comparison to other months so how many sales you have made so far in December ? Please share it for other seller encouragement Thanks.
Is tetherball a sport? Did you ever play it when you were little?
I try to always tell the truth whenever possible and don't purposefully lie. Though maybe sometimes, I'm mistaken in what I say as I can't possibly know the truth from everyone's point of view. So I speak to the best o...
In my spare time, I watch TV and play sports occasionally. I do a lot less fun things now with the free time I have than ten years ago. But, that could be related to family responsibilities. On occasion, I get a few f...
I like to think that I have good ethics and know where to draw the line when asked to do the wrong thing. However, I understand how everyone has a different version of 'right and wrong' and what's OK for others might no...
I'm just curious on what you guys think.
Yesterday was nice and warm but today very gloomy and rainy and actually cold. We've just barely started fall, but I wonder if winter will come early. We will be breaking out the hot cocoa and warm jackets very soon.
Anyone know the best way to make money online?
Hi I need help, one person sell me one product and not work, he fraud me, what i can do. ¿I lost my money?
Today it is beautiful out. Just makes me want to go outside and do something but then I will not get any of my work done inside. Oh well I guess there will be time to go out later!
Hi,I know there are lot of geniuses in this forum,I just want to know,Can I earn money with a membership dating website? Can you please suggest me where to start and earn by this?
Who's your favorite singer ?
Who is your favorite action hero ?
What's Your Favorite Place for Outing ?
mine are: Dayz Last of us Dark souls Minecraft GTA The Elder Scrolls And a webgame?? gtar
From tomorrow the knock out stage of world cup is starting. Which team do you think will win this time? My bet is on Germany.
The only sports magazine that comes to mind is Sport's Illustrated, which is very popular here. I don't read this magazine as I'm not much into sports now but I know that many do. What's your favorite sport's magazine ...