More and more websites are being Hacked everyday, often injected with Malicious code which forwards visitors to another site and/or causes you to be Blacklisted by Google.
When you are running a business or rely on your website for marketing, this type of infection can affect your work, finance and reputation.
Websites developed in WordPress, Joomla, Magento and PHP or that use JavaScript are particularly Vulnerable.
I will find and Remove any Malware from your site** (Usually within a couple of hours), provide a scan to show the site is clean, provide a backup of the clean site and re-submit your site to Google for review (if it has been blacklisted). [Google Review is an Extra]
I have a 100% Success Rate and can remove Malware from Wordpress, Joomla, Magento, Drupal, PHPBB, vBulletin etc.
I can also provide a site monitoring add-on so I will monitor your site and remove malware for 1 year.
If you have any questions, please get in touch.
**) I will Scan and clean up 1 Website or Domain (per 1 Service). If you want more Sites scanned, please order accordingly.
Order Now !!
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