Current publishing profit project, an outgrowth of a gig-2B specializing in premium, ORIGINAL information-based publishing based on real-time experience with step-by-step instruction and illustration wherever necessary for those that just don't know and need help with entrepreneurial subjects. [img w=573px h=793px][/img]
[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#0000ff][size=200]Current publishing profit project, an outgrowth of a gig-2B specializing in premium, ORIGINAL information-based publishing based on real-time experience with step-by-step instruction and illustration wherever necessary for those that just don't know and need help with entrepreneurial subjects. [/size][/color][/font][/b]
As a service reboot (tested prior on sites like 5rr & SEOClerks), this will be a re-inject gig as well as an experiment in the very canals that the service plumbs on a daily basis. It's been revived due to the fact that a tutorial on the process itself was just pushed out onto the market and it was decided that this was a perfectly good income generation device alongside of it. [video]vRMwjFH7N0U[/video]
[size=200][b]As a service reboot (tested prior on sites like 5rr & SEOClerks), this will be a re-inject gig as well as an experiment in the very canals that the service plumbs on a daily basis. It's been revived due to the fact that a tutorial on the process itself was just pushed out onto the market and it was decided that this was a perfectly good income generation device alongside of it.[/b][/size]
Awesome work thank you so much!