
Homepage Design for Ecommerce Business - Car Accessories Seller

Homepage Design for Ecommerce Business - Car Accessories Seller

Organization name
Hompage Design for Ecommerce Business - Car Accessories Seller

Description of the organization and its target audience
- AST Auto Accessories trading online as Booter Auto Accessories
- Booter Auto Accessories sells a wide range of quality aftermarket car protection products for both passenger and commercial vehicles.

Industry - Automotive

Existing website to reference
Number of pages needed - 1

Page descriptions

- 2 column layout
- 1950’s subtle retro car feel, 1950’s cadillac - chrome, red, white, black
- site should be: customer focused, friendly, secure, warm, trustworthy, light hearted, reasonable, and the product outcome should be: quality, accurate, precision, wide range, good value

- unique fonts
- retro feel

- see look and feel

- clean, look, with personality
- use color scheme similar to logo
(think of coca cola logo - defining brand with vintage look)
- classy, clean, and retro
- can have graphic images on the background

- logo (needs to be more prominent on the site)
- Contact Number 1300 385 104 clearly displayed
- shopping cart widget
- cart links and checkout (need to have the Secure payment icon)
- include ‘cargo liners - ute mats - van mats’

Main Navigation
- Clear navigation
- Links are Contact Us, My Account, Specials, About Us, Products (with category list dropdown)
- anything that adds credibility
*search bar could be in the header or main navigation

Sidebar Widgets On Left
- Categories

- mastercard, visa, paypal only
- add eWay logo (…rces/logos)
- add NAB logo as seen here (…rces/logos)
- keep information tab only
- twitter and youtube only

- add Australia Post Logo (

- showcasing products or featured product area
- customized banner that clearly describes in text and images of what they sell
- highlight a sale
- should do a caption that they can add link on
- slideshow with caption
- can have a product video

a. custom fit cargo liners
b. custom fit floor mats
c. style side rubber ute mats
d. van rubber mats
e. rubber sheeting cut to size

Style/theme ideas for the website


- 2 column layout
- 1950’s subtle retro car feel, 1950’s cadillac - chrome, red, white, black
- site should be: customer focused, friendly, secure, warm, trustworthy, light hearted, reasonable, and the product outcome should be: quality, accurate, precision, wide range, good value

- unique fonts
- retro feel

- see look and feel

- clean, look, with personality
- use color scheme similar to logo
(think of coca cola logo - defining brand with vintage look)
- classy, clean, and retro
- can have graphic images on the background

- logo (needs to be more prominent on the site)
- Contact Number 1300 385 104 clearly displayed
- shopping cart widget
- cart links and checkout (need to have the Secure payment icon)
- include ‘cargo liners - ute mats - van mats’

Main Nav
- Clear navigation
- Links are Contact Us, My Account, Specials, About Us, Products (with category list dropdown)
- anything that adds credibility
*search bar could be in the header or main navigation

Sidebar Widgets On Left
- Categories

- mastercard, visa, paypal only
- add eWay logo (…rces/logos)
- add NAB logo as seen here (…rces/logos)
- keep information tab only
- twitter and youtube only

- add Australia Post Logo (

- showcasing products or featured product area
- customized banner that clearly describes in text and images of what they sell
- highlight a sale
- should do a caption that they can add link on
- slideshow with caption
- can have a product video

a. custom fit cargo liners
b. custom fit floor mats
c. style side rubber ute mats
d. van rubber mats
e. rubber sheeting cut to size

Inspirational websites
- look
- navigation & look + features (especially layout and fonts)
- navigation & look + features (layout and font)

Will Trade

submit your web designed template image , if approved we will pay you for the code

Skills Required

Webdesigner Web Website Design Designing Designer Logo

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