
Android Developer, Good Review and some $$$

Android Developer, Good Review and some $$$

I need an android developer for a simple app that displays the content of an html document. You must not already be a member of I need you to sign up to my affiliate link and do the project for me. I will give you 10.00$, recommend you (there is a recommend button on your profile), give a 5 star rating, and leave a happy comment. Be sure to add Android to your skill list. is a huge site full of jobs and will be a great opportunity for those with good ratings to earn money (the problem is for the people without ratings).

If you are already a member you can still bid.

Will Trade

I would like to trade a signup to my affiliate link and the building of an app for some $$$ and a good review on

Skills Required


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here i'm

i am in freelancer and an android developer too. please pm me for more detail !!

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    romaf Level 1
  • hello,

    i am working as android and i-phone application developer frrom last 5 years.
    i can help you in developing this application for you.please share complete details of your project. i will share you my best work if your share your contact details.

    my skype id: amitgodre(dot)mdl(at)outlook(dot)com

    thank you
    amit godre

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    amitmdl Level 1
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    Make an Offer Created 11 years ago in Design

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