
Safelist Submitter STILL NEEDED!!

Safelist Submitter STILL NEEDED!!

Safelist submitter software STILL NEEDED!

Since NO ONE was able to pony up on my request for a STAND-ALONE safelist submitter software program that lets me enter custom site lists in my account portfolio, this is a repeat request with an updated trade request. I'd also love SERIOUS offers (with accompanying images so I can ascertain as to what I'll be receiving).

Will Trade

I realize I have to up the ante before anyone takes this trade seriously; Below is a screenshot of Fast Traffic Bot (and the real pros are sitting up and taking real notice). Willing to trade any pro who can come up with ANY, FULLY-FUNCTIONAL copy of ANY software that I haven't heard of or seen before. PLEASE!!!!!! No ten-year old software offers like that sucky AutomaticMailerXP or Snazzy Safelist Submitter or anything dependent on cloud-based operations (I hate Safelist Genie and other SaaS like this - unless you have something like this lying around ????). I'm looking for this to happen ASAP, with any offers accompanied by tutorial manual & videos - NEED to get this software! I'm looking for a trade...A.S.A.P.

Awaiting SERIOUS offers - this trade should shake loose my need, thanks!

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Software Trade

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Make an Offer Created 6 years ago in Programming

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