I want 1000 sign up to point2shop from my referal link i will give you 10$ after the 1000 sign up ( the website will ask you to click the verify your email address)
here is the link
if you get me 2000 singup iwill give you 20 dollars and so on
I will give you 10$ into your paypal once i have the 1000 usa or united kingdom only
hi, i can provide 1000 usa or any other targeted country signups but the rates are high from yours i will charge for usa signups atleast 400$
yes i can offer you a massmailing solutin using that your will be getting more then the expected signups.
and this will cost you even less you expeted.
no third party smtp required inbuilt smtpserver powered relay server for direct & fast delivery
now send unlimited email just@very cheap, affordable and low price per month right from your