
I want to promote your SEOClerks affiliate store

I want to promote your SEOClerks affiliate store

Do you have an SEOClerks affiliate store? If so, we want to promote it! Send me your link as an offer below or a comment or contact us via helpdesk.

Any SEOClerks affiliate site qualifies, it does not have to use a special software but if you need one, I recommend

Will Trade

In exchange, I'll place $50 into your SEOClerks account for the direct promotion of your SEOClerks affiliate store. The $50 must be spent on the URL of your affiliate store. If you would like ongoing income to promote this site, please contact us via the helpdesk. We'd love to work with you as long as your keep your SEO purchases within SEOClerks.

If you make a public Facebook page and make a post about your SEOClerks affiliate store, I'll also share the link/post on the SEOClerks Facebook fan page and pay to promote it.

Skills Required

seo affiliate store seoclerks

Please login or sign up to leave a job offer


hey, this is my affiliate store ...

i also have a facebook page for it which i made when i done the affiliates store ...

you can check the latest status on it for one that shares my store.

  • Media
    Sean101 Level 1
  • i have a fanpage and which url is

    if you want you can promote

  • Media
    ajlancer Level X3
  • yes manually i will create a manual seoclerk affiliate store you can see the demo here

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    spa3212 Level 3
  • below is the url

  • Media
    sohails Level 1
  • jordan - my affiliate stoie it at

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    cellcom Level 1
  • my affiliate store: collection of best gigs and services

  • Media
    smtarek Level 1
  • submitting:

    a store that features gigs from level- sellers only

  • Media
    exjordanary Level X5
  • ubmitting:


  • Media
    exjordanary Level X5
  • submitting:

    get your [url=

  • Media
    exjordanary Level X5
  • submitting:
    *100% guaranteed services from individual sellers*


  • Media
    exjordanary Level X5
  • submitting:

    "certified-effective" online services by and for professional [color=#

  • Media
    exjordanary Level X5
  • all of the sites i submitted each have public facebook pages:

  • Media
    exjordanary Level X5
  • (cont'd)

    you'll find a post pinned to the top of each page promoting each website that u can use to promote.

  • Media
    exjordanary Level X5
  • hi jordan, here is my store..will update fb page soon. can you add $50 for promotion of the same?

  • Media
    digitalravin Level 1
  • hi jordan, here is my store:

    and here my facebook:

    thanks bro.

  • Media
    timmy147 Level 1
  • seo sales and services center ( affiliate store):


  • Media
    southsidesmoka Level X3
  • Comments

    Please login or sign up to leave a comment

    It's very unfortunate the offer is closed but i am posting my affiliate site anyway

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    Hi, Jordan, I know you probs won't have time 4 this, but I am of a very young age and I want to start of with an afilliate store, if not lead on to be AS successful as you but with my parents who have no money to give me or a loan I can POSSIBLY get from the Bank, I need help and so I thought if I asked THE Man who is CEO of SEO he will either help me or simply ignore me...
    I don't know who you are really > Vice versa > But then and again trace back to when you first started...
    anything that you can give to me that I can setup with would be amazing...
    I don't want to make a frame suggesting that I am begging but I simply ask you if you have anything you think I can help a man sort his life out then throw away :p
    All I think about when it comes to money is $500 - $2000 to start of with the best website(s)
    if you can that amount of Lolly would be amazing.
    (P.S One of 6.950.762.349 People that want to be in your Position.)

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    Is this offer still available

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    FYI, Jordan has informed me, this Offer CLOSED.

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    Hi Jordan,
    I changed over an old site into an SEOClerks affiliate site, can you add $50 to my account for the direct promotion program?

    Thank you for making this offer, it seems like a great business method to build your site and help people get a boost doing affiliate marketing.

    Steve Navazio

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    Changes are going to be made so it matches the actual site, credits would be nice to promote the subdomain :)

    Thanks :D

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    Not sure if this is still valid however...

    Going to make changes to it however the credit would be very helpful to help promote it.


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    Hello, I was lucky enough to buy this when it first came out, I would really appreciate help promoting it.

    My link is

    Thanks, please let me know if you can help! I already intend to spend the remaining balance I have on promoting it and gaining backlinks.


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    Make an Offer Created 12 years ago in Other

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