
You Do Marketing --- I Place Your ADs

You Do Marketing --- I Place Your ADs

Your part of the deal is to bring my site to the next level - I will put your offer/ad on the site. The site targets SEO related people !

You should do all kinds of Marketing, SEO, SEM and Promotion (all WITHE HAT!).
The site you promote is a IM Forum with 1100 posts, 350 threads and 80 members.

In exchange for your work you will get a ad space on the site.
So, if you do your job good and bring a lot of organic traffic, than many "Internet Marketing" targeted people will see your offer, etc.

The Site: Click Here To View The Site

Will Trade

In Exchange for your work I will put your ad on the site.
You can put a ad of your Website, SeoClerks or fiverr gig on the site.

Remember, MANY visitors of this site are interested in SEO gigs, because it's a Online Marketing Forum.
So if the site gets more visitors, than you will get more new clients - simple as that !

This deal is on a month-to-month basis. So if you deliver the results this month, we do one more month, and so on.

Skills Required

Marketing SEO Promotion SEM

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Sounds nice. I will be glad to join :)

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Make an Offer Created 12 years ago in Other

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