It doesn\'t matter instructions are copied or not, the only matter is, you followed it or not. You haven\'t so it wasted both of our time.
I have been delivering this service for 1 year, everyone has followed the instruction and has got proper service from me, and I have delivered in time.
And you haven\'t paid for the useless task, you have paid for the time you wasted of mine.
Another thing I didn\'t beg to you to buy my service.
Thanks For Your Feedback I Will Definitely Look Into It.
It doesn\'t matter instructions are copied or not, the only matter is, you followed it or not. You haven\'t so it wasted both of our time. I have been delivering this service for 1 year, everyone has followed the instruction and has got proper service from me, and I have delivered in time. And you haven\'t paid for the useless task, you have paid for the time you wasted of mine. Another thing I didn\'t beg to you to buy my service. Although. Thanks For Your Feedback I Will Definitely Look Into It.