Private Blog Networks (PBNs) have remained one of the most cost-effective tools to rank websites in the search engine result pages (SERPs). A PBN SEO campaign run by professionals is pretty much undetectable and allows your site to rank for highly competitive keywords in record time. The catch? ALWAYS buy PBN backlinks from professionals.
Many companies and marketers will continue to buy PBN backlinks in 2018 because they’re still very effective. Google has tweaked its algorithm and detection methods over time, however, when PBNs are managed the right way, they remain undetected.
As long as backlinks are regarded as a ranking factor, PBNs will continue to work, (just as long as they don’t leave any footprints that Google can track, and consequently de-index the network).
The mechanics behind it are also fairly simple, when you buy PBN backlinks, the private blog network will take the authority and topical relevance its domains have and funnel all of it to your website through a series of links and carefully picked anchor texts.
Aged private PBNs have gathered authority over time while remaining undetected, guaranteeing you’ll get some massive boosts in each link you purchase.