
Boost Rankings with 50 AI Generated Topical Blog Posts on a 4-8 Year Old Aged PBN for $10

99.3% (435)

Boost Rankings with 50 AI Generated Topical Blog Posts on a 4-8 Year Old Aged PBN

POSTS ARE PLACED ON AN AGED (4-8 Yrs old domains) WORDPRESS PBN with over 340+ Blogs!!

  • All Post content is generated using proprietary AI.
  • Then lightly spun using my custom AI Spinner. No more garbage spun content output like traditional spinners!
  • Blog post titles are created using AI, incorporating your Keywords and/or Topic Subject
  • Posts will be placed in appropriate category for each blog
  • Submit any embeddable content such as YouTube, Vimeo, Google Maps etc
  • All Blogs are self-hosted (com,net,org) and are TLD's. No sub-domains are used.
  • Full report on job completion.
The Offer
  • The standard $10 gig is for 50+ posts to different TLD blogs, no duplication of blogs.
  • A job can have 1, 2 or 3 links + an embedded object
  • You can submit an unlimited number of urls and keywords (IF in spun format) for each one of the 3 available link spots.
  • The number of links & url/keyword combinations chosen are then the same FOR ALL posts.
  • Non-English keywords are acceptable, but will be placed within English content
  • No Gambling, Porn or Adult keywords accepted. If in doubt, contact me before ordering
The Network
  • Average DA/PA is 22-32+
  • Average Number of Referring Domains is 300+
  • All blogs are self hosted. No sub-domains are used.
The Fine Print
  • I cannot guarantee any particular rank improvement, as there are too many variables outside of my control. I sell links, I'm not Google.
  • Once an order is accepted and posting has commenced I cannot change the urls/kws.
  • No refunds are given once posting has commenced.
  • I always over deliver with bonus posts, to allow for domain outages etc.
What Type of Keywords and How Many Should I Use?
Focus on long tail key phrases, and for say 100 posts, target 2-6, with 1 -2 links per post, for overall best results. Too many keywords dilutes the "backlink juice" from the PBN. And the same with URLs, focus on 1-3 at most, e.g. homepage and 2-3 inner pages

What Are Long Tail Keywords?
Long Tail keywords i.e. low search volume, are 3 - 5 word phrases which are very specific to your niche e.g. "grey sofa" vs "3 seater grey velour sofa". Longtails make up 70% of searches. Longtails lessen the competition, and offer a much better chance of a positive result for your chosen keywords.

When Can I Expect to See Ranking Improvements?
Every site is different and your rank position is mostly determined by the metrics of your site. Factors such as age, authority, quality of content, on-page SEO, competitiveness of the niche etc all affect your final rankings. Backlinks are taken into account, but not to the degree many people think. They can't perform magic

Do Your Guarantee a Particular Rank Result?
Let me say straight off: If I could, I would. And charge accordingly But the truth is, no link seller can tell you, because the main factors in ranking are in your hands. Backlinks can help "suggest" to Google you deserve a higher rank, but they can't perform magic on a low quality site.

What's included

Title OptimizationH1, h2, h3 Tags


Pbn Backlink Seo AI content report aged


249 reviews

Rating breakdown

  • 246
  • 3

1 year ago
great, thanks
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
thanks as always
2 years ago
thanks steve
2 years ago
Good PBN Post. Recommended A++++
2 years ago


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can i get a sample please

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Please share sample Asap.

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available? sample please.

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I am willing to experiment this service on my Amazon FBA listing.
Could you PM me if you have worked with clients to rank Amazon FBA and what dripfeed or anchor usage did they follow?

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need samples

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Hi, I don't give out samples as they'd be of no use to you to evaluate the network as you'd only get 1 or 2 urls, and how would you know that they weren't cherry picked? Plus it's a risk giving out urls to just anyone that asks.

The only way for you to to evaluate the network correctly is to do a test buy.

Alternately, if $5 is too much for you, you can ask me any questions about the network, and I'll try and answer for you.

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I want to use this as tier 2 links. Am I able to submit 6 urls for 30 posts if it is same niche/keywords?

Do you provide content?

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Hi, yes you can if you use the urls in spintaxt format. There's 3 available links spots per job so you could use all 3 links and 2 urls per link i.e.
{url1|url2} = kws
{url3|url4} = kws
[url4|url5} = kws
or use one link with all 6 urls in spintaxt or 2 links with 3 urls in spintaxt

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And yes, I can source content from the web related to your niche for spinning.

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Extra 100 blog posts - Total 150 posts 2 days $18
Dripfeed posts up to 30 days 30 days $1
Boost Rankings with 50 AI Generated Topical Blog Posts on a 4-8 Year Old Aged PBN for $10 is ranked 5 out of 5. Based on 249 user reviews.
$10 - In stock