Domain Authority (DA) represents the best prediction of a website which can rank high in search engines. If your site Domain Authority is above 35, then it is considered to show some authority in search engines. In simple words, A Domain Authority a metric to show the number of root domains which link to different pages on your website, rather than all links pointing to your homepage. So if your website has more number of links from different pages, its considered to rank better than other websites which link to their home page. Usually the Domain Authority rank is calculated by combining few metrics like root domains, number of total links, mozRank, mozTrust and etc.
We offering you 30 High DA as the following :
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10 DA50
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☛ We will deliver our service as promised.
Just send me the Url of your site, and the (anchor text) keyword,
Websites that promote hate, contain pornography, dating, promote gambling or spamming of any kind can't be accepted...
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