I need personn who will translate my script to audio, human voice recover m...
I want someone to hire to be producing my youtube channel videos every two ...
I will make a good voice over record for you with a good voice in just a da...
Need two voice over artists one male and one female for regular work 2000 w...
I am looking for someone who can read the script I give you in a foreign ac...
Hi I am Miss Ilenia ! Our team need a voice over service for our youtube vi...
I have a video with subtitles. I will send it to you. you have to read the ...
We have around 10 - 15 Japanese videos to translate to English per month. N...
Transcribe German audio from video or records to German script. No need to ...
Hiring American British Voiceover Male Female. 3 for 1000 words. Hiring Ame...
male or female or both at least some emotion please i need it in English bu...
I am a transcriptionists. i can transcribe audio accurately. description:: ...
I need voiceover for my YouTube video , need american or British voiceover....
I need video testimonial about my website , I need good english speaker You...
Hi, I need the whiteboard color animation video.This should be good animati...
Hello Everyone, I need true American voiceover for my videos so please resp...
GERMAN & ENGLISH i have a professional sound recording studio, you will...
I would like a preset created in adobe audition 2017 to pass scribl.com au...
Looking for an experienced Virtual Assistant on full time permanent basis w...
i need a producer tag should be a hot female with some special effects to i...
Hello I need a professional whitboard animation video for presentation the ...
I need an English female voiceover with a friend voice and tone. I have a t...
I am looking for someone to do a voice over for a video. The script is abou...
I own a website that sells social followings etc smm . I am in need of adve...
Hi I want a male voice over for my videos as mentioned below..you need to t...
Hi I want a male voice over for my videos as mentioned below..you need to t...
The cheapest will get the job
I need an American accent voice over from a strictly American, ASAP
Send me any audio file and I will make it sound like a Alvin and the Chipmu...
I need an english voice actor for a mini documentary project i made.
I need a female voice over just for a text less than 100 words shouldn t ta...
Need a very sensual female vocal, Spanish or English, to read or sing sensu...
https: m.youtube.com watch?v vnj0vvgO EM here is a sample I like. Can you d...
USD 5 for every 300 word American British male voice over narration Motivat...
Looking for a very low male voiceover , it is for a documentary teaser. The...
Hello, I need the services of a voiceover artist for a quick job. You will ...
I need a pretty lady to be my spokesperson and create six 30 seconds video ...
I am looking to buy 10 or more DJ drops for my next mixtape. If you can pro...
Hello i have a script - 200 words andi want it in 1mn whiteboard animation ...
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