
Upload a video on your account

Upload a video on your account

1. Go to

2. If you don't have a YouTube channel - create a new one. It shouldn't be Russian/Belorussian/Ukrainian one.

3. Download the video

and post it on your YouTube channel. It should be public.

4. Contact me for the headline, description and hashtags to add. Video placed without a headline, description and hashtags will not be paid.

P.S. Please don't delete the video from your channel after the payment.


Please follow the rules.

1. The YouTube account must be in English or Hindi.
2. One video can be placed for one account.
3. Send me the link to video after the posting.
4. Don't delete the video after the task will be done.

Skills Required

EU America Youtube channel


upload video at my channel

we implement your project campaign by uploading your video to my channel if possible/accepted in 10 channels $5 each

dear sir,
i agree to your work, i have youtube chanel to upload your video, please order me i don't delete the video to my account. permanently added to my account... so, please order me......

get me order
it will be very fast
i hope you will be happy with my work

Bid On Listing Created 6 years ago in Youtube

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