
Youtube Virtual Assistant Wanted

Youtube Virtual Assistant Wanted

I need a full time VA who knows how to make white board vids, slidesshow vids and use screen captcher like camtasia. This is for daily work. Experienced only please!


Same as above.

Skills Required

Youtube Creation Editing Whiteboardvide


i will give you youtube virtual assistant wanted..any time..

have a wonderful day.

i am able to do white board work and slide show work and i am currently using camtasia also. i have previous experience about white board and slide show works with you tube.


please check my buyer reviews and order me

order for a reliable service


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I'm looking for a FULL TIME via to do nothing but make me YouTube vids with images into slide shows and some will be white boards. The pay is $10 per day for a FULL TIME position. You must know how to use and make slide shows and screen capture.Thank you!

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Bid On Listing Created 8 years ago in Youtube

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