
Original and Exlusive Body Building Videos

Original and Exlusive Body Building Videos

This is $15 per video - Videos have to be around 5 minutes and must be well done training, fitness, muscle building, etc. They have to be exclusive videos that will have never been posted anywhere else.

This is your chance to be sen on a major website and in addition make a few bucks.. this could lead to something bigger in the future such as profit sharing from video revenue, etc.


close to 5 Minutes Per Video
Original and Exclusive and never posted or viewed anywhere else
Videos will become my property to be posted on my channel
Must be well done - I will edit and add intro, and logo
Must be bodybuilding related

we want 1 or 2 a month - if videos are well received will share profit possibly 50/50 at channel

This is basically just a sample to see how things go.. if this works out it will lead to something bigger and more profitable possibly including a section or blog on the site and profit sharing from video revenue.

Skills Required

VIdeo Body building fitness


i will give you real quality, bodybuilding video for $10.... video is not been posted anywhere..


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Bid On Listing Created 12 years ago in Youtube

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