
Video Producing, Editing for Production Video

Video Producing, Editing for Production Video


My cousin is writing a book,
And he want advance fund or buying on crowdfunding site.
He wanted a video that promote his book as want fund,

I'll give you suggestion that what actually thing he wanted in it.



Video length must be atleast 1.5min to max 2.5min

He wanted this type of video :

But for his book fund.

Video clips which you can join.

Topic must be covered of Business, Entrepreneurship, Startup Generation and all.

If you can't provide voice then it's okay but video must be high quality you can join different clips but you need to send some work after work.

And last thing is that, it's must be not copyrighted else you'll receive DMCA letter with me and all topic will cover with it.

100% Real hard work? please check this work :

He wanted related that.

Skills Required

Video Videotestimoni Videos Seo Socialmedia Youtube


i have premium video editing and animation tools

i have premium video editing and animation tools


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Bid On Listing Created 8 years ago in Video

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