
Post my video to adult video sites

Post my video to adult video sites

I have a new app needing to promote for client.

We will pay you to open account (if needed only) and post a promo video to various adult video websites like rudetube.

The app itself is NOT adult or have any nudity etc.. it is just targeted mainly towards adults so this would be good promotion.

We dont know how many sites there are so in your bid please tell us HOW MANY SITES you will submit the video to.

As proof you will give us the link to the uploaded video on sites so we can check.

It has to be done asap while the app is still new



Skills Required

Upload Internet Video


i am uploaded your video 20 adults sites order now

i will published adult video pr9 sites
this catagory 15 site.


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Bid On Listing Created 9 years ago in Video

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