
Installing AutoMailer software on server

Installing AutoMailer software on server

Step 1: Create your database

If you're using cPanel so it will be easy step for you, if it was not

available, you can ask your hosting provider how to create a

database and user with all privileges on this database.

Step 2: Import the database file

using any database client like (phpMyAdmin, SQLyog, Hedi or MySql

workbench) to import the database file exist on the project root


Step3: Update your config file

Now you have to open config.php file on the project root or

(application/config/database.php) on some versions and insert the

database connection information

Step4: Run it

open the installation URL and it must work fine



Step 1: Create your database

If you're using cPanel so it will be easy step for you, if it was not

available, you can ask your hosting provider how to create a

database and user with all privileges on this database.

Step 2: Import the database file

using any database client like (phpMyAdmin, SQLyog, Hedi or MySql

workbench) to import the database file exist on the project root


Step3: Update your config file

Now you have to open config.php file on the project root or

(application/config/database.php) on some versions and insert the

database connection information

Step4: Run it

open the installation URL and it must work fine


Skills Required

web designer


hi there,
i can help you with the installation.

i look forward to hearing from you for further discussion including my service charge!!

Bid On Listing Created 5 years ago in Webhosting

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