
Look for Investor or Partner on already built website thats producing money

Look for Investor or Partner on already built website thats producing money

Looking for a Investor/Partner for a already built website, and possibly another site. (The website does make money and is active)

I own a Web & SEO Development company an have successfully provided these services for the last 6 years, I currently still work as a tech for my company but after seeing for years how much there is to be made off affiliate sales and membership sites I decided to build a website and provide the services to it that I have been doing for years and watching others get really wealthy off my skills for.

The website I do not really want to just throw the URLs out here on the forum but if you feel like you may be interested in investing then let me know on forum and I will send you some direct links for you to check out.

I have a great resume and background building successful money making websites, I have been successful before off a website, successful in the terms of creating a above average income and on a passive income basis,

I did sell the website in order to have a much better standing and am now working on my second project that I am in need of a small investor to help with funds for marketing, or really for SEO and that if I can invest more time I can triple the income right away and its just smart business for me to look for a investor at this point.

I can go without a investor but I feel at this time it would be smart for me to ask around and and maybe see if I can find someone interested in doing this so that way I can focus totally on the website and get it making a significance income, I am willing to do this happily because its a win win for both sides.

I have the perfect record for success in this, I am a low risk investment and the website it self is amazing in terms of how it generates money and I dont mind giving half the income up in exchange for being able to get it making that income within the next 45 days or so, it helps me big time so I can speed this up then have that income to fund my future projects!

If you wish to directly send me a message you may

Thanks for taking the time to read this, hope to hear from you!


I am not to picky but I know the website and the deal providing is worth a little more but its worth more to me to have it speeded up then to keep that % at a later date, reason I say this is that if I can receive the funding I can triple, even 10x the income we are making now!

Skills Required

investor invest partner websites


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Bid On Listing Created 12 years ago in Webhosting

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