
Penda/Penguin Penalty Remove

Penda/Penguin Penalty Remove

I already have a list of bad low risk, medium risk and high risk URLs, got it by paying $100. All I need is someone who can contact webmasters for those bad links and prepare a Disavow report so I can submit to Google. I do not have the time to run after webmasters and request removal. There are like 50 such links. I've never dealt in building links, these links are from donkeys who copied my content word to word and Google penalized my website. Thanks to the almighty Google. Please let me know if anyone willing to do the job. Thanks.


Preparing and submitting the disavow report to Google. You have to do the job honestly or Google will not lift off the penalty. Please be fair. Thanks.

Skills Required

Panda Penguin


hello, i can remove the bad-harmful links using disavow tool.
please contact me for further assistance.

i'm a webmaster with 8 years of deep knowledge in seo-smm.
get the quality service from most trusted - 100% +ve rating holder contractor

Bid On Listing Created 11 years ago in Reputation Management

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