
I can create Business Logo Design

I can create Business Logo Design

Modern, professional and high quality is what I believe you’re looking for. I am professional top rated designer offering high-quality business logo design services since 2009 to all kind of businesses.

Current delivery time is around 3 days.


  • If you going with BASIC package, I am expecting from you to send me some idea/concept how logo should look. My job is to bring your idea to life.
  • I am NOT offering refund (there are special cases) but I do RESPECT your money.
  • I will work for YOU and YOUR business, NOT for your boss, client etc.
  • If you not getting answer form me more that 24 hours, please contact me again, something is wrong.

    Thank you.


You can find information about each package just below the package name. If you are still not sure which one to chose, you can 'contact me' and send me your needs and I will suggest you whether to go with a package or a custom offer.

Skills Required

Design Logo Logodesign Business Building App Website Graphic


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Bid On Listing Created 6 years ago in Design