
design a set of ads banners (similar content but 5 different formats)

design a set of ads banners (similar content but 5 different formats)

I am looking for a set of 5 ads banners to reach freelancers or homeworkers specialized in graphic design.
The banner's contents can be similar of not (you to decide in your offer)

I may retain/buy for more than the 1 winner if several offers are interesting.
Provide example(s) of work


  • Must be appealing (interesting job, money, nice graphics, big titles)
  • Animated or not
  • CC0 images only if any (pexels, pixabay)
  • you pass all the rights

5 banners format:
  • 728x90
  • 320x250
  • 336x280
  • 120x600
  • 160x600

NOTA: yYou must provide [the 5 jpg or gif if animated] AND [the 5 photoshop original .psd file]

Skills Required

Marketing Photoshop Designer

Bid On Listing Created 7 years ago in Design

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