
WTB APP ios/googleplay

WTB APP ios/googleplay

I run a website and am looking to make an app for our fans and to utilize them on spreading our content.

I currently use Hootsuite but also have tried buffer and ifttt which i use very frequently.

What i want the am to do is request fans to link/create social profiles on as many networks as possible onto ifttt account with premade recipes from our site.

As the user would add the social profiles and engage the recipes app with give them % of completion at the end completing tasks they are entered into a draw for a prize and also given recognition as a full supporter of the site with some sort of simple certificate email.

It would be even better if this concept could be made into an app that also displays site.

Get in contact with me to let me know what you think.


Get in contact with me to let me know what you think.

Skills Required

Design Developer


consider it done! we are experts in joomla,wordpress, core php, html, css and bootstrap technologies. we are certified
professionals having combined experience of 25 years.

we have brought customization jobsfor joomla and wordpress. our head joomla developer has 10 years of experience
so practically he has been around when joomla wa


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Bid On Listing Created 8 years ago in Design

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