Looking for simple word press site with a few drop down tabs for environmental consulting
Must have experience with wp
The url currently is rgenvc.com
Looking to try to stay something to the template if possible. Just let me know how to edit the text on the pages at the end and easy customer to work wtih
order now
hi may.
i'll help you set up your website within the next 2-days and also show you how to edit and post content whenever you need to.
order right away so we can get started.
best regards.
simple word press site with all your needs
i can able to help with your fresh look wordpress website with drop down menus + seo optimized + responsive nature. and moreover guide you with how to edit pages yourself in future too.
warm regards
i have 3 more years experience in wordpress site development. so, i can make a simple and awesome wp site for you.
this is some samples of my previous work:
hello, i got requirement from your job and would like to tell you having 7 year experience in development and will provide you 100% satisfaction by providing high standards. in which return will generate customer value.
would like to share one thing because i never feel shy to provide good work and budget requirement according to
i will build your wordpress site professionaly base on what you want.i have 8years experience doing this.
i have experience about wordpress.
wordpress template design
wordpress theme customization
wordpress plugin install and active
order me
hey there,
it will be our pleasure to work with you on this project. i am a php web developer with 8+ years of experience. i possess the following skillsets which are required for your project
skills: html, css, php, mysql, wordpress,twitter bootstrap, jquery, javascript,magento
to best judge my skills, please find some of our best work in
i will do wordpress dynamic website with setup in your server in $30. "order now"
i will create a simple dynamic website based on your requirements
1. unlimited revisions until you satisfied
2. 24/7 live support
3 perfect on page seo
4. i will create pages in social networking sites
5. free graphic designs
6. free android app and i will upload it to playstore
conact me for more info
beautiful wordpress site for environmental consulting
with 100% money back guarantee
fast delivery
please send me more info or order me
can i do this
i will professionally do it within 24hrs
greeting of the day we would like to inform you that?our team of specialists builds and develops wordpress/woocomerce/web development and also the most sophisticated mobile applications. we provide development for wordpress and web development.
managed a team at an award-winning interactive agency. we provide innovative digital soluti
sorry I have been out of town here is the website I am trying to make it look like if they could just copy the tabs and I can give all images
sorry I have been out of town
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