
Want Android and ios devloper

Want Android and ios devloper

We want an Android and ios devloper to build new app for android and iphone for our live tv channel named Onabashi TV .

Please check the channel and let us know if you want to do this task..

Interested persons contact asap..



We want an Android and ios devloper to build new app for android and iphone for our live tv channel named Onabashi TV .

Interested persons contact asap..


Skills Required

Androidapp Iosapp



thank you for giving us this opportunity to present our proposal for your business. we are an innovative freelancers team committed to providing excellence client service for various businesses.

we are specializes in providing mobile app development solutions.we have developed over 30+ mobile apps for international and domestic clie


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Bid On Listing Created 9 years ago in Design

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